# 10. API фронта 2.0

# 10.1. Общие положения

# 10.1.1. Куда подключаться

Адрес подключения к API wss://bot.fkviking.com/ws

# 10.1.2. Механизм поддержания связи с сервером

Клиентская сессия длится не более 12-ти часов, любое клиентское соединение будет закрыто не позже, чем через 12 часов после того, как было установлено. Для продолжения работы соединение необходимо установить заново

Если клиент не отправляет сообщения в течение 5-ти секунд, соединение будет закрыто сервером

Для поддержания связи с сервером и для определения статуса соеденения с сервером в случае отсутствия исходящих сообщений от клиента в течение 5-ти секунд предполагается отправлять служебное сообщение в виде строки, состоящей из одного символа 7, в ответ сервер пришлет ту же строку. Если сервер не пришлет данную строку в течение 3-ех секунд, клиент должен переподключиться. Вместо строки с символом 7 клиент может отправлять ping фрейм, тогда в ответ сервер ответит pong фреймом

# 10.1.3. Размер входящих и исходящих сообщений, группировка и сжатие сообщений

Максимальный размер сообщения, отправляемого клиентом, должен быть меньше 1048576 байт

Размер сообщений, отправляемых сервером, до их сжатия не превосходит 200 КБ. Если размер сообщения, отправлемого сервером, до его сжатия превышает 100 КБ, сообщение будет заархивировано и отправлено не как текстовое, а уже как бинарное сообщение. Сжатие сообщений производится при помощи библиотеки zlib c параметром wbits = 15

Клиент, так же как и сервер, может сжимать свои исходящие сообщения тем же методом, что и сервер

Для уменьшения числа отправляемых сервером отдельных сообщений предусмотрен механизм группировки сообщений. В данном случае все отдельные JSON сообщения, представляющие собой словари (т.е. все сообщения кроме pong фреймов и 7), будут сложены в список и отправлены одним большим JSON сообщением. Клиент, получивший список от сервера, должен обработать каждое сообщение списка в отдельности. Возможность получения групп сообщений и таймаут для группировки задаются клиентом на этапе авторизации. Если сервер отправляет сообщения группой большого размера, то сервер сожмет всю группу, а не каждое отдельное сообщение в группе. Группировка сообщений подразумевает складывание сообщений в очередь перед отправкой и отправку сразу всех сообщений из очереди после истечения заданного таймаута (сообщения могут быть отправлены и не дожидаясь истечения таймаута если очередь уже достигла "большого" размера или если необходимо отправить 7)

Клиент, так же как и сервер, может группировать свои исходящие сообщения в списки (кроме ping фрейма и 7), список это всего лишь обертка, сервер обработает каждое сообщение из списка в отдельности. Группировка сообщений помогает увеличить число отправлемых клиентом сообщений, чтобы не попасть на rate limit. Максимальный размер группы, которую может отправить клиент, состоит из 50-ти сообщений, при превышении данного значения соединение с клиентом будет закрыто. Если клиент отправляет сообщения группой большого размера, то рекомендуется эту группу сжать, сжимать нужно именно группу, а не каждое отдельное сообщение в группе

# 10.1.4. Rate limits

Rate limit считается для каждой вебсокет сессии в отдельности. Каждое сообщение имеет свой вес (в неких пунктах), вы можете отправить сообщения суммарным весом не более 10000 пунктов за последние 10 секунд. Суммарный доступный вес сообщений пересчитывается каждую секунду (отбрасывается суммарный набранный вес за самую старую секунду из десяти). Сообщения имеют разный вес, ping фрейм и 7 имеют вес 1 пункт, все остальные сообщения имеют вес 49 пунктов, группа сообщений (т.е. сообщения упакованные в один список) имеет вес 49 пунктов. Т.о. за 10 секунд клиент может отправить примерно 10000÷49=20410000 \div 49 = 204 сообщений, можно все сообщения отправить и за одну секунду, но тогда в следующие 9 секунд слать будет нечего и связь будет закрыта либо по таймауту (он был описан выше и равен 5 секунд), либо, если клиент таки отправит сообщение, то по rate limit-у. При превышении rate limit-а связь закрывается автоматически, текст причины закрытия будет отправлен в payload close фрейма

С одного ip-адреса разрешается не более 20-ти попыток подключения в течение минуты, при превышении данного значения соединение перестанет устанавливаться, в ответ будет отправлен код 429

# 10.1.5. Дробные количества и позиции

Везде в роботе количества в заявках/сделках и в позициях - это целые числа, сделано это для того, чтобы не иметь проблем с операциями над вещественными числами. В API количества и позиции тоже целые числа, по той же причине. Для красивого отображения количеств и позиций в той же размерности, в которой они отображаются на сайтах бирж (для тех бирж где возможны дробные значения в данных полях), в тех объектах, которых касается описанная выше проблема, есть поле lot_size или ls. При отображении количества и позиции необходимо полученное с API значение умножить на lot_size. Если же необходимо отправить дробное количество или позицию в робота, то перед отправкой отправляемое значение нужно разделить на lot_size. Для параметров портфеля и бумаг портфеля, которых касается lot_size, есть соответствующие пометки в описании этих параметров

# 10.1.6. Прочее

Во всех подписках в рамках одной вебсокет сессии в рамках одного и того же type требуется уникальный eid для текущих подписок (можно отписаться и снова подписаться с тем же eid, но одновременно нельзя иметь две и более подписок на одни и те же type и eid)

Порядок ответа на входящие сообщения сервером не определен. Чтобы быть уверенным, что сообщения будут обработаны в заданном порядке, необходимо слать следующее сообщение только после получения ответа на предыдущее. В связи с этим рекомендуется вначале дождаться ответа на запрос авторизации и только потом слать серверу какие-либо другие команды (иначе получите ошибку Not authorized)

Если сообщение, отправленное пользователем, не удовлетворяет общему формату входящих сообщений (т.е. не является валидным JSON сообщением или не содержит всех, обязательных для сообщения, полей), соединение будет автоматически закрыто, текст причины закрытия будет отправлен в payload close фрейма

# 10.2. Авторизация



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = authorization_key y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> email y string User email
> key y string User API key (API usage should be enabled)
> role n string User role, default value is demo
> group n number Receive messages from server in groups with group timeout, default value is 0 (no grouping), available values are in range [0, 2] with step 0.1
> compress n boolean Compress large size messages by server, default value is true. It is strongly recommended to turn off compression only for debugging purposes!


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = authorization_key y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> e y string User email
> lang y string User lang, always en
> active_role y string current user role
> roles y array Array of available user roles
>> [] y string Available user role
> can_hide_notifs y boolean User can hide notifications "gnerated" by another user


		"roles":["demo", "trader"]
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = authorization_key y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"User not found",

# 10.3. Портфели

# 10.3.1. Подписка на список доступных портфелей

При добавлении/удалении портфеля/доступа к портфелю будут высланы обновления

В любой момент может быть выслан снапшот

Обновления значений пользовательских полей uf0, ..., uf19 содержат только те ключи каждого из пользовательских полей, чьи значения были изменены

При отзыве доступа к портфелю, если вы подписаны на этот портфель, вы получите сообщение об отписке

Subscription request


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = available_portfolio_list.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data n object


	"type": "available_portfolio_list.subscribe",
	"data": {},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success (snapshot)


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = available_portfolio_list.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = s y string request_result Request result
data y object
> portfolios_add y array Array of available portfolios
>> [] y [string, string, string] portfolio_id Portfolio ID (robot ID and portfolio name) and portfolio owner (creator)




Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = available_portfolio_list.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = u y string request_result Request result
data y object
> portfolios_add n array Array of newly available portfolios
>> [] [string, string, string] portfolio_id Portfolio ID (robot ID and portfolio name) and portfolio owner (creator)
> portfolios_del n array Array of portfolios with revoked access
>> [] [string, string, string] portfolio_id Portfolio ID (robot ID and portfolio name) and portfolio owner (creator)


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = available_portfolio_list.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.3.2. Отписка от списка доступных портфелей

Отписаться от событий по списку доступных портфелей



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = available_portfolio_list.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> sub_eid y string string_36 Subscription eid


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = available_portfolio_list.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = available_portfolio_list.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.3.3. Получить список доступных портфелей с включенной записью истории



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = available_portfolio_list.get_with_history y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data n object


	"type": "available_portfolio_list.get_with_history",
	"data": {},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = available_portfolio_list.get_with_history y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> portfolios y array Array of available portfolios
>> [] y [string, string, string] portfolio_id Portfolio ID (robot ID and portfolio name) and portfolio owner (creator)


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = available_portfolio_list.get_with_history y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.3.4. Добавить портфель

Добавить портфель в робота



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.add_portfolio y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> portfolio y object Portfolio
>> name y string Portfolio name
>> * n * Other portfolio fields from template
>> securities y object Securities
>>> SEC_KEY y string: object Security object key
>>>> sec_key y string Security unique key (should be equal to SEC_KEY)
>>>> sec_type y number sec_type Security exchange/connection type
>>>> sec_key_subscr y string Security key on the exchange
>>>> sec_board y string Security board
>>>> sec_code y string Security code
>>>> is_first y boolean “Is first” security of the portfolio
>>>> * n * Other security fields from template


    "type": "robot.add_portfolio",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "portfolio": {
            "k": 0,
            "k1": 0,
            "k2": 0,
            "tp": 1,
            "pos": 0,
            "to0": false,
            "name": "test3",
            "color": "#FFFFFF",
            "delta": 0,
            "lim_b": 0,
            "lim_s": 0,
            "quote": false,
            "timer": 1,
            "v_max": 1,
            "v_min": -1,
            "_buy_v": 10,
            "_pos_v": 1000,
            "opened": 0,
            "re_buy": false,
            "use_tt": false,
            "v_in_l": 1,
            "v_in_r": 1,
            "_buy_en": false,
            "_l_b_en": false,
            "_l_s_en": false,
            "_pos_en": false,
            "_sell_v": 10,
            "comment": "",
            "overlay": 0,
            "percent": 100,
            "re_sell": false,
            "v_out_l": 1,
            "v_out_r": 1,
            "_l_b_val": 10,
            "_l_s_val": 10,
            "_sell_en": false,
            "decimals": 4,
            "disabled": false,
            "_buy_time": 5,
            "_l_b_stop": false,
            "_l_b_time": 10,
            "_l_s_stop": false,
            "_l_s_time": 10,
            "_pos_time": 5,
            "log_level": 0,
            "timetable": [
                    "begin": 36000,
                    "end": 50400,
                    "auto_close": false,
                    "auto_to_market": true,
                    "auto_to0": false
                    "begin": 50580,
                    "end": 67020,
                    "auto_close": false,
                    "auto_to_market": true,
                    "auto_to0": false
            "_sell_time": 5,
            "mkt_volume": 100,
            "price_type": 0,
            "securities": {
                "OKF_ADA_USDT_SWAP": {
                    "k": 0,
                    "mm": false,
                    "sl": 0,
                    "te": true,
                    "tp": 1,
                    "pos": 0,
                    "sle": false,
                    "k_sl": 0,
                    "count": 1,
                    "maker": false,
                    "ratio": 1,
                    "timer": 60,
                    "on_buy": 1,
                    "sec_key": "OKF_ADA_USDT_SWAP",
                    "decimals": 4,
                    "depth_ob": 1,
                    "is_first": true,
                    "leverage": 1,
                    "ob_c_p_t": 1,
                    "ob_t_p_t": 0,
                    "sec_type": 67108864,
                    "comission": 0,
                    "ban_period": 1,
                    "count_type": 0,
                    "ratio_sign": 0,
                    "ratio_type": 0,
                    "client_code": "virtual",
                    "move_limits": false,
                    "fin_res_mult": 1,
                    "mc_level_to0": 0,
                    "move_limits1": false,
                    "count_formula": "return 1;",
                    "comission_sign": 1,
                    "mc_level_close": 0,
                    "sec_key_subscr": "ADA-USDT-SWAP",
                    "max_trans_musec": 1000000,
                    "ratio_b_formula": "return 1;",
                    "ratio_s_formula": "return 1;",
                    "percent_of_quantity": 100
            "type_trade": 0,
            "_fin_res_en": false,
            "ext_field1_": "return 0;",
            "ext_field2_": "return 0;",
            "first_delta": 0,
            "hedge_after": 1,
            "n_perc_fill": 0,
            "price_check": 10,
            "_fin_res_abs": 1000,
            "_fin_res_val": 10,
            "custom_trade": false,
            "equal_prices": false,
            "ext_formulas": false,
            "simply_first": false,
            "_fin_res_stop": false,
            "_fin_res_time": 60,
            "cur_day_month": 7,
            "portfolio_num": 0,
            "trade_formula": "return 0;",
            "virtual_0_pos": false,
            "max_not_hedged": 1,
            "portfolio_type": 0,
            "_max_running_en": false,
            "_too_much_n_h_en": false,
            "opened_comission": 0,
            "move_limits1_date": -1,
            "always_limits_timer": false,
            "_max_running_percent": 70
    "eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.add_portfolio y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.add_portfolio y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r=e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.3.5. Изменить портфель

Изменить значение/значения полей портфеля/бумаг портфеля

Если указан ключ securities, то в нем обязательно необходимо указать весь текущий список бумаг портфеля с их обязательными полями, а также можно указать поля, необходимые для изменения

Значения пользовательских полей uf0, ..., uf19 являются словарями, можно изменить значение как по одному из ключей, так и сразу по обоим ключам



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.update y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> portfolio y object Portfolio
>> name y string Portfolio name
>> * n * Other portfolio fields from template
>> securities n object Securities
>>> SEC_KEY n string: object Security object key
>>>> sec_key y string Security unique key (should be equal to SEC_KEY)
>>>> sec_type y number sec_type Security exchange/connection type
>>>> sec_key_subscr y string Security key on the exchange
>>>> sec_board y string Security board
>>>> sec_code y string Security code
>>>> is_first n boolean “Is first” security of the portfolio
>>>> * n * Other security fields from template


    "type": "portfolio.update",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "portfolio": {
            "k": 0,
            "k1": 0,
            "k2": 0,
            "tp": 1,
            "pos": 0,
            "to0": false,
            "name": "test3",
            "color": "#FFFFFF",
            "delta": 0,
            "lim_b": 0,
            "lim_s": 0,
            "quote": false,
            "timer": 1,
            "v_max": 1,
            "v_min": -1,
            "_buy_v": 10,
            "_pos_v": 1000,
            "opened": 0,
            "re_buy": false,
            "use_tt": false,
            "v_in_l": 1,
            "v_in_r": 1,
            "_buy_en": false,
            "_l_b_en": false,
            "_l_s_en": false,
            "_pos_en": false,
            "_sell_v": 10,
            "comment": "",
            "overlay": 0,
            "percent": 100,
            "re_sell": false,
            "v_out_l": 1,
            "v_out_r": 1,
            "_l_b_val": 10,
            "_l_s_val": 10,
            "_sell_en": false,
            "decimals": 4,
            "disabled": false,
            "_buy_time": 5,
            "_l_b_stop": false,
            "_l_b_time": 10,
            "_l_s_stop": false,
            "_l_s_time": 10,
            "_pos_time": 5,
            "log_level": 0,
            "timetable": [
                    "begin": 36000,
                    "end": 50400,
                    "auto_close": false,
                    "auto_to_market": true,
                    "auto_to0": false
                    "begin": 50580,
                    "end": 67020,
                    "auto_close": false,
                    "auto_to_market": true,
                    "auto_to0": false
            "_sell_time": 5,
            "mkt_volume": 100,
            "price_type": 0,
            "securities": {
                "OKF_ADA_USDT_SWAP": {
                    "k": 0,
                    "mm": false,
                    "sl": 0,
                    "te": true,
                    "tp": 1,
                    "pos": 0,
                    "sle": false,
                    "k_sl": 0,
                    "count": 1,
                    "maker": false,
                    "ratio": 1,
                    "timer": 60,
                    "on_buy": 1,
                    "sec_key": "OKF_ADA_USDT_SWAP",
                    "decimals": 4,
                    "depth_ob": 1,
                    "is_first": true,
                    "leverage": 1,
                    "ob_c_p_t": 1,
                    "ob_t_p_t": 0,
                    "sec_type": 67108864,
                    "comission": 0,
                    "ban_period": 1,
                    "count_type": 0,
                    "ratio_sign": 0,
                    "ratio_type": 0,
                    "client_code": "virtual",
                    "move_limits": false,
                    "fin_res_mult": 1,
                    "mc_level_to0": 0,
                    "move_limits1": false,
                    "count_formula": "return 1;",
                    "comission_sign": 1,
                    "mc_level_close": 0,
                    "sec_key_subscr": "ADA-USDT-SWAP",
                    "max_trans_musec": 1000000,
                    "ratio_b_formula": "return 1;",
                    "ratio_s_formula": "return 1;",
                    "percent_of_quantity": 100
            "type_trade": 0,
            "_fin_res_en": false,
            "ext_field1_": "return 0;",
            "ext_field2_": "return 0;",
            "first_delta": 0,
            "hedge_after": 1,
            "n_perc_fill": 0,
            "price_check": 10,
            "_fin_res_abs": 1000,
            "_fin_res_val": 10,
            "custom_trade": false,
            "equal_prices": false,
            "ext_formulas": false,
            "simply_first": false,
            "_fin_res_stop": false,
            "_fin_res_time": 60,
            "cur_day_month": 7,
            "portfolio_num": 0,
            "trade_formula": "return 0;",
            "virtual_0_pos": false,
            "max_not_hedged": 1,
            "portfolio_type": 0,
            "_max_running_en": false,
            "_too_much_n_h_en": false,
            "opened_comission": 0,
            "move_limits1_date": -1,
            "always_limits_timer": false,
            "_max_running_percent": 70
    "eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.update y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.update y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r=e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.3.6. Удалить портфель

Удалить портфель из робота



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.remove y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name


	"type": "portfolio.remove",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
		"p_id": "test"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.remove y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name


	"type": "portfolio.remove",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
		"p_id": "test"
	"eid": "qwerty",
	"r": "p"
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.remove y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.3.7. Подписка на портфель

Подписаться на события изменения/удаления полей портфеля/бумаг портфеля

В любой момент может быть выслан снапшот

В обновлениях придут ключи (для портфеля — это name, для обновленных бумаг — sec_key) и измененные поля портфеля/бумаги портфеля

При удалении портфеля/бумаги портфеля придет поле __action=del

При удалении портфеля вы будете от него отписаны



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name


	"type": "portfolio.subscribe",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
		"p_id": "test3"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success (snapshot)


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = s y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> value y object Portfolio snapshot
>> name y string Portfolio name
>> * y * Other portfolio fields from template
>> securities y object Securities
>>> SEC_KEY y string: object Security object key
>>>> sec_key y string Security unique key (should be equal to SEC_KEY)
>>>> * y * Other security fields from template


    "type": "portfolio.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "p_id": "test3",
        "value": {
            "name": "test3",
            "owner": "test@gmail.com",
            "securities": {
                "OKF_ADA_USDT_SWAP": {
                    "all_free": 1,
                    "comission_sign": 1,
                    "count_type": 0,
                    "decimals": 4,
                    "depth_ob": 1,
                    "leverage": 1,
                    "ob_c_p_t": 1,
                    "ob_t_p_t": 0,
                    "on_buy": 1,
                    "put": -1,
                    "ratio_sign": 0,
                    "ratio_type": 0,
                    "timer": 60,
                    "ban_period": 1,
                    "count": 1,
                    "max_trans_musec": 1000000,
                    "old_pos": 0,
                    "pos": 0,
                    "sec_type": 67108864,
                    "client_code": "virtual",
                    "count_formula": "return 1;",
                    "ratio_b_formula": "return 1;",
                    "ratio_s_formula": "return 1;",
                    "sec_board": "",
                    "sec_code": "",
                    "sec_key": "OKF_ADA_USDT_SWAP",
                    "sec_key_subscr": "ADA-USDT-SWAP",
                    "comission": 0,
                    "d_pg": 2147483647,
                    "fin_res_mult": 1,
                    "k": 0,
                    "k_sl": 0,
                    "mc_level_close": 0,
                    "mc_level_to0": 0,
                    "percent_of_quantity": 100,
                    "ratio": 1,
                    "sl": 0,
                    "tp": 1,
                    "is_first": true,
                    "maker": false,
                    "mm": false,
                    "move_limits": false,
                    "move_limits1": false,
                    "sle": false,
                    "te": true
            "_buy_time": 5,
            "_fin_res_time": 60,
            "_fin_res_val": 10,
            "_freq_count": 1000,
            "_freq_delta": 10,
            "_freq_type": 0,
            "_l_b_time": 10,
            "_l_s_time": 10,
            "_max_running_percent": 70,
            "_pos_time": 5,
            "_sell_time": 5,
            "all_free": 1,
            "buy_status": 0,
            "cur_day_month": 30,
            "decimals": 4,
            "hedge_after": 1,
            "log_level": 0,
            "max_not_hedged": 1,
            "n_perc_fill": 0,
            "portfolio_num": 0,
            "portfolio_type": 0,
            "price_type": 0,
            "sell_status": 0,
            "timer": 1,
            "type_trade": 0,
            "_pos_v": 1000,
            "mkt_volume": 100,
            "move_limits1_date": -1,
            "overlay": 0,
            "pos": 0,
            "return_first": 0,
            "v_in_l": 1,
            "v_in_r": 1,
            "v_max": 1,
            "v_min": -1,
            "v_out_l": 1,
            "v_out_r": 1,
            "btnBuy": "",
            "btnMarket": "",
            "btnSell": "",
            "buy_tt": "",
            "color": "#FFFFFF",
            "comment": "",
            "ext_field1_": "return 0;",
            "ext_field2_": "return 0;",
            "sell_tt": "",
            "trade_formula": "return 0;",
            "trading_tt": "can trade",
            "_buy_v": 10,
            "_fin_res_abs": 1000,
            "_l_b_val": 10,
            "_l_s_val": 10,
            "_sell_v": 10,
            "_too_much_n_h_portfolios": 100,
            "buy": 0.31537,
            "delta": 0,
            "ext_field1": 0,
            "ext_field2": 0,
            "fin_res": 0,
            "fin_res_wo_c": 0,
            "first_delta": 0,
            "k": 0,
            "k1": 0,
            "k2": 0,
            "lim_b": 0,
            "lim_s": 0,
            "opened": 0,
            "opened_comission": 0,
            "percent": 100,
            "price_b": 0,
            "price_check": 10,
            "price_s": 0,
            "sell": 0.31532,
            "tp": 1,
            "uf0": {},
            "uf1": {"c":"asd", "v":1},
            "uf2": {"c":"qwe"},
            "uf3": {"v":666},
            "_buy_en": false,
            "_fin_res_en": false,
            "_fin_res_stop": false,
            "_freq_en": false,
            "_l_b_en": false,
            "_l_b_stop": false,
            "_l_s_en": false,
            "_l_s_stop": false,
            "_max_running_en": false,
            "_pos_en": false,
            "_sell_en": false,
            "_too_much_n_h_en": false,
            "always_limits_timer": false,
            "custom_trade": false,
            "disabled": false,
            "equal_prices": false,
            "ext_formulas": false,
            "has_virtual": true,
            "is_fin_res_wo_c": false,
            "quote": false,
            "re_buy": false,
            "re_sell": false,
            "simply_first": false,
            "to0": false,
            "use_tt": false,
            "virtual_0_pos": false,
            "timetable": [
                    "begin": 36000,
                    "end": 50400,
                    "auto_sell": false,
                    "auto_buy": false,
                    "auto_close": false,
                    "auto_to_market": true,
                    "auto_to0": false
                    "begin": 50580,
                    "end": 67020,
                    "auto_sell": false,
                    "auto_buy": false,
                    "auto_close": false,
                    "auto_to_market": true,
                    "auto_to0": false
    "r": "s",
    "eid": "qwerty",
    "ts": 1669808254519347837


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = u y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> value y object Portfolio update
>> name y string Portfolio name
>> __action = del n string Only on delete
>> * n * Other portfolio fields from template
>> securities n object Securities
>>> SEC_KEY n string: object Security object key
>>>> sec_key y string Security unique key (should be equal to SEC_KEY)
>>>> __action = del n string Only on delete
>>>> * n * Other security fields from template


    "type": "portfolio.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "p_id": "test3",
        "value": {
            "name": "test3",
            "owner": "test@gmail.com",
            "sell": 0.31526,
            "buy": 0.31527
            "uf2": {"c":"qwert"},
            "uf1": {"v":5},
            "uf0": {"v":6, "c":"zxc"},
    "r": "u",
    "eid": "qwerty",
    "ts": 1669808258692270689
    "type": "portfolio.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "p_id": "test3",
        "value": {
            "name": "test3",
            "owner": "test@gmail.com",
            "__action": "del"
    "r": "u",
    "eid": "qwerty",
    "ts": 1669810178671322447
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.3.8. Отписка от портфеля

Отписаться от событий по портфелю



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> sub_eid y string string_36 Subscription eid


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.3.9. “Сбросить” статусы заявок портфеля

“Сбросить” статусы всех заявок всех инструментов выбранного портфеля



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.reset_statuses y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name


	"type": "portfolio.reset_statuses",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
		"p_id": "test"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.reset_statuses y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.reset_statuses y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r=e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.3.10. Остановить торговлю и снять заявки портфеля

Остановить торговлю и снять все заявки выбранного портфеля



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.hard_stop y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name


	"type": "portfolio.hasrd_stop",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
		"p_id": "test"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.hard_stop y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.hard_stop y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r=e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.3.11. Выключить все формулы портфеля

Остановить торговлю и отключить все формулы выбранного портфеля



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.formulas_stop y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name


	"type": "portfolio.formulas_stop",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
		"p_id": "test"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.formulas_stop y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.formulas_stop y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r=e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.3.12. “Скинуть” портфель “в рынок”

Скинуть портфель в рынок



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.to_market y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name


	"type": "portfolio.to_market",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
		"p_id": "test"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.to_market y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.to_market y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r=e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.3.13. Купить портфель

Купить выбранный портфель в заданном количестве



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.buy_portfolio y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> quantity y number Integer number of portfolios to buy


	"type": "portfolio.buy_portfolio",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
		"p_id": "test",
		"quantity": 10
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.buy_portfolio y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.buy_portfolio y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r=e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.3.14. Продать портфель

Продать выбранный портфель в заданном количестве



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.sell_portfolio y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> quantity y number Integer number of portfolios to sell


	"type": "portfolio.sell_portfolio",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
		"p_id": "test",
		"quantity": 10
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.sell_portfolio y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.sell_portfolio y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r=e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.3.15. Выставить заявку по бумаге портфеля

Выставить заявку на покупку/продажу выбранной бумаги выбранного портфеля в заданном количестве по заданной цене



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.order_security y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> quantity y number Number of contracts to buy/sell
> price y number Order price
> key y string Security’s SecKey
> dir y number direction Order direction


	"type": "portfolio.order_security",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
		"p_id": "test",
		"quantity": 1,
		"price": 0.1,
		"key": "OKF_ADA_USDT_SWAP",
		"dir": 1
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.order_security y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.order_security y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r=e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.3.16. Протестировать формулу портфеля

Протестировать формулу портфеля.

Ответ может быть получен через достаточно большой интервал времени, т.к. пользовательский код необходимо скомпилировать и выполнить



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.test_formula y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> value y string Formula field value (C++ code)
> field y string Formula field name
> sec_key n string Security’s SecKey, can be omitted if formula doesn’t belong to security


	"type": "portfolio.order_security",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
		"p_id": "test",
		"sec_key": "",
		"field": "ext_field1_",
		"value": "return 2+3;"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.test_formula y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> val y number Test formula result
> warn n string Warning message


		"warn":"libs/__compile.cpp: In function ‘double __ext_field1_()’:\libs/__compile.cpp:16:5: warning: unused variable ‘a’ [-Wunused-variable]\\n   16 | int a = 0;return 0;\n      |     ^\n"
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.test_formula y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r=e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Compilation on \"__eval__\" failed with error:\nlibs/__compile.cpp: In function ‘double __ext_field1_()’:\nlibs/__compile.cpp:16:9: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘return’\n   16 | return 0\n      |         ^\n      |         ;\n   17 | return 0;\n      | ~~~~~~   \n",

# 10.3.17. Написать на почту “создателю” портфеля [роль: admin]

Написать сообщение на почту старшего трейдера и на почты "создателю" данного портфеля



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.mail_to y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> to_head y boolean Also mail to head_of_traders role
> subj y string Message subject, ${ROBOT_ID} will be replaced with current robot's ID, ${PORTFOLIO_ID} will be replaced with current portfolio name + robot's ID
> msg y string Message text, ${ROBOT_ID} will be replaced with current robot's ID, ${PORTFOLIO_ID} will be replaced with current portfolio name + robot's ID
> html n boolean Send message as HTML, default value is false


	"type": "portfolio.mail_to",
	"data": {
                "to_head": true,
		"r_id": "1",
		"p_id": "test",
		"subj":"Test ${PORTFOLIO_ID}",
                "msg":"Test ${PORTFOLIO_ID}"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.mail_to y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> emails y array
>> [] y array List of emails message was sent to


		"emails": ["test@gmail.com"]
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio.mail_to y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r=e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Internal error",

# 10.4. История изменений полей портфеля

# 10.4.1. Подписка на отдельные поля портфеля

Подписаться на изменения конкретного поля портфеля

При удалении портфеля вы НЕ будете автоматически отписаны от его полей

Чтобы получать обновления, по данному портфелю необходимо включить запись истории



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_history.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> key y string Portfolio field key, one of: 'sell', 'buy', 'lim_s', 'lim_b', 'pos', 'fin_res', 'uf0', ..., 'uf19'
> aggr y string Aggregation period, one of: 'raw', '10s', '1m', '10m', '1h', '6h', '24h'
> mt n epoch_msec Minumum date/time to include in snapshot, set null to get last values (maximum number of returned values is 10000)


Response on success (snapshot)


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_history.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = s y string request_result Request result
data y object
> mt y number epoch_msec Max time, written in data base (can be null)
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> key y string Portfolio field key, one of: 'sell', 'buy', 'lim_s', 'lim_b', 'pos', 'fin_res', 'uf0', ..., 'uf19'
> aggr y string Aggregation period, one of: 'raw', '10s', '1m', '10m', '1h', '6h', '24h'
> values y object Field values snapshot (can be empty)
>> [] y array List of field values
>>> dt y number epoch_msec Field value time
>>> v y number Field value




Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_history.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = u y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> key y string Portfolio field key, one of: 'sell', 'buy', 'lim_s', 'lim_b', 'pos', 'fin_res', 'uf0', ..., 'uf19'
> aggr y string Aggregation period, one of: 'raw', '10s', '1m', '10m', '1h', '6h', '24h'
> values y object Field values snapshot
>> [] y array List of field values
>>> dt y number epoch_msec Field value time
>>> v y number Field value


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_history.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.4.2. Отписка от поля портфеля

Отписаться от обновление по полю портфеля



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_history.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> sub_eid y string string_36 Subscription eid


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_history.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_history.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.4.3. Запрос истории изменений поля портфеля

Получить “небольшую” историю старше заданной даты

Т.к. запрашивается история аггрегатов, то lim относится именно к числу аггрегатов, реальное получаемое количество точек при этом может быть больше (аж в 3 раза). Чтобы узнать к какому именно аггрегату относится точка необходимо время точки разделить на длину аггрегата, взять целую часть и полученное значение умножить на длину аггрегата

Чтобы история содержала значения, по данному портфелю необходимо включить запись истории



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_history.get_previous y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> key y string Portfolio field key, one of: 'sell', 'buy', 'lim_s', 'lim_b', 'pos', 'fin_res', 'uf0', ..., 'uf19'
> aggr y string Aggregation period, one of: 'raw', '10s', '1m', '10m', '1h', '6h', '24h'
> mt y number epoch_msec Receive rows “older” than this value. This value is recommended to be multiple of aggregation period in milliseconds
> lim n number Number of rows to receive in range [1, 1000], default value is 1000


	"type": "portfolio_history.get_previous",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
		"p_id": "test2",
		"mt": "2000000000000000000",
		"lim": 100
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_history.get_previous y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> key y string Portfolio field key, one of: 'sell', 'buy', 'lim_s', 'lim_b', 'pos', 'fin_res', 'uf0', ..., 'uf19'
> aggr y string Aggregation period, one of: 'raw', '10s', '1m', '10m', '1h', '6h', '24h'
> values y object Field values snapshot
>> [] y array List of field values
>>> dt y number epoch_msec Field value time
>>> v y number Field value


    "type": "portfolio_history.get_previous",
    "data": {
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1676366845413318695
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_history.get_previous y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.4.4. Запрос истории изменений поля портфеля 2

Получить историю от даты до даты

Т.к. запрашивается история аггрегатов, то lim относится именно к числу аггрегатов, реальное получаемое количество точек при этом может быть больше (аж в 3 раза). Чтобы узнать к какому именно аггрегату относится точка необходимо время точки разделить на длину аггрегата, взять целую часть и полученное значение умножить на длину аггрегата

Чтобы история содержала значения, по данному портфелю необходимо включить запись истории



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_history.get_history y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> key y string Portfolio field key, one of: 'sell', 'buy', 'lim_s', 'lim_b', 'pos', 'fin_res', 'uf0', ..., 'uf19'
> aggr y string Aggregation period, one of: 'raw', '10s', '1m', '10m', '1h', '6h', '24h'
> mint y number epoch_msec Receive rows “newer” or equal than this value. This value is recommended to be multiple of aggregation period in milliseconds
> maxt y number epoch_msec Receive rows “older” or equal than this value. This value is recommended to be multiple of aggregation period in milliseconds
> lim n number Number of rows to receive in range [1, 100000], default value is 100000


	"type": "portfolio_history.get_history",
	"data": {
		"maxt": "2000000000000",
		"mint": "1",
		"lim": 100
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_history.get_history y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> key y string Portfolio field key, one of: 'sell', 'buy', 'lim_s', 'lim_b', 'pos', 'fin_res', 'uf0', ..., 'uf19'
> aggr y string Aggregation period, one of: 'raw', '10s', '1m', '10m', '1h', '6h', '24h'
> values y object Field values snapshot
>> [] y array List of field values
>>> dt y number epoch_msec Field value time
>>> v y number Field value


    "type": "portfolio_history.get_history",
    "data": {
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1676366845413318695
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_history.get_history y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.5. Роботы

# 10.5.1. Подписка на робота

Подписаться на события изменения полей робота

В любой момент может быть выслан снапшот

При удалении робота вы будете от него отписаны

md_st, tr_st, re, trans_cnt всегда ходят целиком



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID


	"type": "robot.subscribe",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success (snapshot)


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = s y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> value y object
>> rc y boolean Is robot connected to backend
>> rv y string Robot version
>> rvd y number epoch_sec Robot version date (-1 means unknown)
>> ll y string Label
>> de y number Elapsed days, 0 means expired, -1 means unknown
>> dt y number epoch_msec Robot date/time (0 means unknown)
>> mtc y number Robot transaction connections limit
>> mc y number Robot main loop counter
>> mdc y number stream_status Market-data connections status
>> trc y number stream_status Trade connection status
>> tr y number trading_status Is robot trading
>> bld y string Build name
>> ps y number process_status Robot process status
>> sv y string Server build robot version
>> svd y number epoch_sec Server build robot version date (-1 means unknown)
>> start y boolean Robot should be started
>> resp_users y array List of responsible users emails as list of strings
>> md_st y array
>>> [] y Array of dictionaries of data-stream states with stream name as a key and value of type stream_status
>> tr_st y array
>>> [] y Array of dictionaries of data-stream states with stream name as a key and value of type stream_status
>> re y array
>>> [] y
>>>> n y string Portfolio name
>>>> f y boolean Is free or has active orders
>>>> re y boolean Is re_sell or re_buy
>> c_id y string Company unique ID
>> comp y string Company name
>> p_cnt n number "Production" transactions count
>> v_cnt n number "Virtual" transactions count
>> trans_cnt n array
>>> [] n Array of objects
>>>> n y string Name
>>>> s y number Transaction count
>>>> a y number Adds count
>>>> d y number Deletes count
>>>> m y number Moves count
>>>> ra y number Add rejects count
>> p_a y number All portfolios
>> p_d y number Disabled portfolios
>> p_e y number Expired portfolios


    "type": "robot.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "value": {
            "rc": true,
            "rv": "ec1d046c",
            "rvd": 1687175149,
            "ll": "Test robot",
            "de": 3614,
            "dt": 1687779242000,
            "mtc": 10,
            "mc": 10850,
            "mdc": 2,
            "trc": 2,
            "tr": 2,
            "r_id": "1",
            "bld": "vikingrobot.vrb_test",
            "ps": 2,
            "sv": "ec1d046",
            "svd": 1687175149,
            "start": true,
            "resp_users": ["test@gmail.com"],
            "md_st": [
                    "sec_type": 1048576,
                    "name": "bitmex_listen",
                    "st": {
                        "Definitions": 1,
                        "OB": 0,
                        "Prices": 0,
                        "Socket": 2,
                        "States": 0
                    "sec_type": 67108864,
                    "name": "okex_listen_aws",
                    "st": {
                        "Definitions": 1,
                        "Extra": 1,
                        "Funding": 1,
                        "OB": 1,
                        "Socket": 2
            "tr_st": [
                    "sec_type": 1048576,
                    "name": "qwe",
                    "st": {
                        "Margin": 0,
                        "Orders": 0,
                        "Positions": 0,
                        "Socket": 0,
                        "Trades": 0
                    "sec_type": 1048576,
                    "name": "roma",
                    "st": {
                        "Margin": 0,
                        "Orders": 0,
                        "Positions": 0,
                        "Socket": 1,
                        "Trades": 0
                    "sec_type": 0,
                    "name": "virtual",
                    "st": {
                        "TRANS": 2
            "tr": 0,
            "re": [
                    "n": "replace",
                    "f": true,
                    "re": false
                    "n": "test1",
                    "f": true,
                    "re": false
    "r": "s",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1687779242801030176


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = s y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> value y object
>> rc n boolean Is robot connected to backend
>> rv n string Robot version
>> rvd n number epoch_sec Robot version date (-1 means unknown)
>> ll n string Label
>> de n number Elapsed days, 0 means expired, -1 means unknown
>> dt n number epoch_msec Robot date/time (0 means unknown)
>> mtc n number Robot transaction connections limit
>> mc n number Robot main loop counter
>> mdc n number stream_status Market-data connections status
>> trc n number stream_status Trade connection status
>> tr n number trading_status Is robot trading
>> bld n string Build name
>> ps n number process_status Robot process status
>> sv n string Server build robot version
>> svd n number epoch_sec Server build robot version date (-1 means unknown)
>> start n boolean Robot should be started
>> resp_users y array List of responsible users emails as list of strings
>> md_st n array
>>> [] n Aray of dictionaries of data-stream states with stream name as a key and value of type stream_status
>> tr_st n array
>>> [] n Aray of dictionaries of data-stream states with stream name as a key and value of type stream_status
>> re n array
>>> [] n
>>>> n n string Portfolio name
>>>> f n boolean Is free or has active orders
>>>> re n boolean Is resell or re_buy
>> c_id y string Company unique ID
>> comp y string Company name
>> p_cnt n number "Production" transactions count
>> v_cnt n number "Virtual" transactions count
>> trans_cnt n array
>>> [] n Array of objects
>>>> n y string Name
>>>> s y number Transaction count
>>>> a y number Adds count
>>>> d y number Deletes count
>>>> m y number Moves count
>>>> ra y number Add rejects count
>> p_a n number All portfolios
>> p_d n number Disabled portfolios
>> p_e n number Expired portfolios


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.5.2. Отписка от робота

Отписаться от событий по роботу



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> sub_eid y string string_36 Subscription eid


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.5.3. Подписка на робота (для админа)

Подписаться на события изменения полей робота

В любой момент может быть выслан снапшот

При удалении робота вы будете от него отписаны

md_st, tr_st, re, trans_cnt всегда ходят целиком



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID


	"type": "adm_robot.subscribe",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success (snapshot)


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = s y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> value y object
>> rc y boolean Is robot connected to backend
>> rv y string Robot version
>> rvd y number epoch_sec Robot version date (-1 means unknown)
>> ll y string Label
>> de y number Elapsed days, 0 means expired, -1 means unknown
>> exp y number epoch_sec Robot expiration
>> dt y number epoch_msec Robot date/time (0 means unknown)
>> mtc y number Robot transaction connections limit
>> mc y number Robot main loop counter
>> mdc y number stream_status Market-data connections status
>> trc y number stream_status Trade connection status
>> tr y number trading_status Is robot trading
>> bld y string Build name
>> ps y number process_status Robot process status
>> sv y string Server build robot version
>> svd y number epoch_sec Server build robot version date (-1 means unknown)
>> start y boolean Robot should be started
>> srv y string Server name
>> ld y number Log days
>> cpu y number CPU of main thread
>> ecpus y array Array of integers of extra CPUs
>> c_id y string Company unique ID
>> comp y string Company name
>> cmnt y string Comment
>> ips y array List of ips as list of strings
>> resp_users y array List of responsible users emails as list of strings
>> cmd y string Command line params
>> phl y number Portfolios history limit
>> fin_res_lim y number Fin res history limit
>> deals_lim y number Deals history limit
>> srv_runme y boolean Use runme on server
>> md_st y array
>>> [] y Aray of dictionaries of data-stream states with stream name as a key and value of type stream_status
>> tr_st y array
>>> [] y Aray of dictionaries of data-stream states with stream name as a key and value of type stream_status
>> re y array
>>> [] y
>>>> n y string Portfolio name
>>>> f y boolean Is free or has active orders
>>>> re y boolean Is resell or re_buy
>> p_cnt n number "Production" transactions count
>> v_cnt n number "Virtual" transactions count
>> trans_cnt n array
>>> [] n Array of objects
>>>> n y string Name
>>>> s y number Transaction count
>>>> a y number Adds count
>>>> d y number Deletes count
>>>> m y number Moves count
>>>> ra y number Add rejects count


    "type": "adm_robot.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "value": {
            "rc": true,
            "rv": "ec1d046c",
            "rvd": 1687175149,
            "ll": "Test robot",
            "de": 3614,
            "dt": 1687779242000,
            "mtc": 10,
            "mc": 10850,
            "mdc": 2,
            "trc": 2,
            "tr": 2,
            "r_id": "1",
            "bld": "vikingrobot.vrb_test",
            "ps": 2,
            "sv": "ec1d046",
            "svd": 1687175149,
            "start": true,
            "resp_users": ["test@gmail.com"],
            "md_st": [
                    "sec_type": 1048576,
                    "name": "bitmex_listen",
                    "st": {
                        "Definitions": 1,
                        "OB": 0,
                        "Prices": 0,
                        "Socket": 2,
                        "States": 0
                    "sec_type": 67108864,
                    "name": "okex_listen_aws",
                    "st": {
                        "Definitions": 1,
                        "Extra": 1,
                        "Funding": 1,
                        "OB": 1,
                        "Socket": 2
            "tr_st": [
                    "sec_type": 1048576,
                    "name": "qwe",
                    "st": {
                        "Margin": 0,
                        "Orders": 0,
                        "Positions": 0,
                        "Socket": 0,
                        "Trades": 0
                    "sec_type": 1048576,
                    "name": "roma",
                    "st": {
                        "Margin": 0,
                        "Orders": 0,
                        "Positions": 0,
                        "Socket": 1,
                        "Trades": 0
                    "sec_type": 0,
                    "name": "virtual",
                    "st": {
                        "TRANS": 2
            "tr": 0,
            "re": [
                    "n": "replace",
                    "f": true,
                    "re": false
                    "n": "test1",
                    "f": true,
                    "re": false
    "r": "s",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1687779242801030176
    "type": "adm_robot.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "value": {
            "rc": false,
            "rv": "",
            "rvd": 0,
            "md_st": [],
            "tr_st": [],
            "re": [],
            "de": -1,
            "dt": 0,
            "mtc": 10,
            "exp": 2000000000,
            "mc": -1,
            "mdc": 3,
            "trc": 3,
            "tr": 3,
            "r_id": "1",
            "srv": "local",
            "ll": "Robot name4",
            "ld": 5,
            "start": true,
            "bld": "vikingrobot.vrb_test",
            "resp_users": ["test@gmail.com"],
            "ps": 2,
            "sv": "0bbb5ae",
            "svd": 1689597843,
            "cpu": 2,
            "ecpus": [
            "c_id": "0",
            "comp": "public",
            "cmnt": "Comment3",
            "ips": [
            "cmd": "--cpu=1",
            "srv_runme": true
    "r": "s",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1690368750723349467


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = s y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> value y object
>> rc n boolean Is robot connected to backend
>> rv n string Robot version
>> rvd n number epoch_sec Robot version date (-1 means unknown)
>> ll n string Label
>> de n number Elapsed days, 0 means expired, -1 means unknown
>> exp y number epoch_sec Robot expiration
>> dt n number epoch_msec Robot date/time (0 means unknown)
>> mtc n number Robot transaction connections limit
>> mc n number Robot main loop counter
>> mdc n number stream_status Market-data connections status
>> trc n number stream_status Trade connection status
>> tr n number trading_status Is robot trading
>> bld n string Build name
>> ps n number process_status Robot process status
>> sv n string Server build robot version
>> svd n number epoch_sec Server build robot version date (-1 means unknown)
>> start n boolean Robot should be started
>> srv n string Server name
>> ld n number Log days
>> cpu n number CPU of main thread
>> ecpus n array Array of integers of extra CPUs
>> c_id n string Company unique ID
>> comp n string Company name
>> cmnt n string Comment
>> ips n array List of ips as list of strings
>> resp_users n array List of responsible users emails as list of strings
>> cmd n string Command line params
>> phl n number Portfolios history limit
>> fin_res_lim n number Fin res history limit
>> deals_lim n number Deals history limit
>> srv_runme n boolean Use runme on server
>> md_st n array
>>> [] n Aray of dictionaries of data-stream states with stream name as a key and value of type stream_status
>> tr_st n array
>>> [] n Aray of dictionaries of data-stream states with stream name as a key and value of type stream_status
>> re n array
>>> [] n
>>>> n n string Portfolio name
>>>> f n boolean Is free or has active orders
>>>> re n boolean Is resell or re_buy
>> p_cnt n number "Production" transactions count
>> v_cnt n number "Virtual" transactions count
>> trans_cnt n array
>>> [] n Array of objects
>>>> n y string Name
>>>> s y number Transaction count
>>>> a y number Adds count
>>>> d y number Deletes count
>>>> m y number Moves count
>>>> ra y number Add rejects count


    "type": "adm_robot.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "value": {
            "mc": 11408,
            "dt": 1677747006000
    "r": "u",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1677747006005445923
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.5.4. Отписка от робота (для админа)

Отписаться от событий по роботу



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> sub_eid y string string_36 Subscription eid


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.5.5. Подписка на список доступных роботов

При добавлении/удалении робота/доступа к роботу будут высланы обновления

В любой момент может быть выслан снапшот

При отзыве доступа к роботу, если вы подписаны на этот робот, вы получите сообщение об отписке

Subscription request


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = available_robot_list.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data n object


	"type": "available_robot_list.subscribe",
	"data": {},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success (snapshot)


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = available_robot_list.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = s y string request_result Request result
data y object
> robots_add y array Array of available robots
>> [] y string Robot ID




Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = available_robot_list.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = u y string request_result Request result
data y object
> robots_add n array Array of newly available robots
>> [] string Robot ID
> robots_del n array Array of robots with revoked access
>> [] string Robot ID


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = available_robot_list.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.5.6. Отписка от списка доступных роботов

Отписаться от событий по списку доступных роботов



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = available_robot_list.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> sub_eid y string string_36 Subscription eid


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = available_robot_list.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = available_robot_list.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.5.7. Перезапустить робота

Перезапустить не торгующего робота



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.restart_robot y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID


	"type": "robot.restart_robot",
	"data": {"r_id":"1"},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.restart_robot y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.restart_robot y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Internal error: Robot 1 was not stopped",

# 10.5.8. Изменить робота



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.update y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> ll y string Label


		"ll":"Robot name"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.update y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.update y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.5.9. Подписка на активные заявки робота

Подписаться на активные заявки робота

В любой момент может быть выслан снапшот

В обновлениях всегда приходят все данные по заявке, ключ — r_id + id

Когда заявка перестанет быть активной придет поле __action=del



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = orders.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID


	"type": "orders.subscribe",
		"r_id": "1"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success (snapshot)


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = orders.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = s y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot id
> values y object Servers
>> id y string Order ID (unique for robot)
>> owner y string Portfolio’s owner
>> sk y string Security key
>> ono y string Internal robot’s order id
>> p y number Order price
>> q y number Order quantity (always integer)
>> q0 y number Order left quantity (always integer)
>> d y number direction Order direction
>> dec y number Digits after decimal point in price
>> st y number order_status Internal robot’s order status
>> name y string Portfolio name
>> r_id y string Robot id


  "type": "orders.subscribe",
  "data": {
    "r_id": "1",
    "values": {
      "r_id": "1",
      "values": [
          "id": "364182912",
          "owner": "infectedbyjs@gmail.com",
          "sk": "OKF_1INCH_USDT_SWAP",
          "ono": "7",
          "p": 0.1537,
          "q": 1,
          "q0": 1,
          "d": 1,
          "dec": 4,
          "st": 2,
          "name": "asdasd",
          "r_id": "1"
  "r": "s",
  "eid": "q0",
  "ts": 1692877356436393434


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = orders.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = u y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot id
> values y object Servers
>> id y string Order ID (unique for robot)
>> owner y string Portfolio’s owner
>> sk y string Security key
>> ono y string Internal robot’s order id
>> p y number Order price
>> q y number Order quantity (always integer)
>> q0 y number Order left quantity (always integer)
>> d y number direction Order direction
>> dec y number Digits after decimal point in price
>> st y number order_status Internal robot’s order status
>> name y string Portfolio name
>> r_id y string Robot id
>> __action=del n


    "type": "orders.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "values": {
            "r_id": "1",
            "values": [
                    "id": "364182912",
                    "owner": "infectedbyjs@gmail.com",
                    "sk": "OKF_1INCH_USDT_SWAP",
                    "ono": "7",
                    "p": 0.1537,
                    "q": 1,
                    "q0": 1,
                    "d": 1,
                    "dec": 4,
                    "st": 2,
                    "name": "asdasd",
                    "r_id": "1"
    "r": "u",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1692877356436393434
    "type": "orders.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "values": {
            "r_id": "1",
            "values": [
                    "r_id": "1",
                    "id": "364182912",
                    "__action": "del"
    "r": "u",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1692877419902208593
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_servers.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.5.10. Отписка от активных заявок робота



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = orders.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> sub_eid y string string_36 Subscription eid


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = orders.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = orders.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.6. Финрез

# 10.6.1. Подписка на таблицу финансовых результатов портфеля

Подписаться на новые записи в таблицу финансовых результатов портфеля

При удалении портфеля вы будете от него отписаны



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_fin_res.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name


	"type": "portfolio_fin_res.subscribe",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
		"p_id": "test3"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success (snapshot)


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_fin_res.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = s y string request_result Request result
mt y string epoch_nsec Max time, written in data base
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> values y object Portfolio snapshot
>> [] y array List of financial results
>>> name y string Portfolio name
>>> r_id y string Robot ID
>>> id y string Unique row id for specified robot
>>> is_sl y boolean Is stop loss row
>>> price y number Price
>>> buy_sell y number direction Direction
>>> quantity y number Integer quantity in number of portfolios
>>> virt y number Is virtual row (1 — virtual, 0 — not virtual)
>>> trs y array Trades
>>>> sk y string SecKey
>>>> p y number Price
>>>> q y number Quantity
>>>> d y number direction Direction
>>>> ono y string Order numebr
>>>> t y string Time in format HH:MM:SS
>>>> ls y number Lot size
>>> decimals y number Integer number of decimal points in price field
>>> dt y string epoch_nsec Time in robot


    "type": "portfolio_fin_res.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "p_id": "test3",
        "values": [
                "is_sl": false,
                "name": "test3",
                "price": 0,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "quantity": 2,
                "virt": 0,
                "tt": "",
                "decimals": 4,
                "id": -5179112833974768457,
                "t": 1670930582000080585,
                "dt": 1670930582001236807,
                "r_id": "1"
        "mt": 1670930581002172652
    "r": "s",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1670930582765293894


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_fin_res.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = u y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> values y object Portfolio snapshot
>> [] y array List of financial results
>>> id y string Unique row id for specified robot
>>> is_sl y boolean Is stop loss row
>>> price y number Price
>>> buy_sell y number direction Direction
>>> quantity y number Integer quantity in number of portfolios
>>> virt y number Is virtual row (1 — virtual, 0 — not virtual)
>>> trs y array Trades
>>>> sk y string SecKey
>>>> p y number Price
>>>> q y number Quantity
>>>> d y number direction Direction
>>>> ono y string Order numebr
>>>> t y string Time in format HH:MM:SS
>>>> ls y number Lot size
>>> decimals y number Integer number of decimal points in price field
>>> dt y string epoch_nsec Time in robot


    "type": "portfolio_fin_res.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "p_id": "test3",
        "values": [
                "is_sl": false,
                "price": 0,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "quantity": 2,
                "virt": 0,
                "tt": "",
                "decimals": 4,
                "id": 6609278928069572738,
                "t": 1670930583000018528,
                "dt": 1670930583001302645
    "r": "u",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1670930583002402981
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_fin_res.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.6.2. Отписка от таблицы финансовых результатов портфеля

Отписаться от таблицы финансовых результатов портфеля



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_fin_res.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> sub_eid y string string_36 Subscription eid


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_fin_res.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_fin_res.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.6.3. Запрос истории финансовых результатов портфеля

Получить “небольшую” историю старше заданной даты



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_fin_res.get_previous y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id n string Portfolio name (use be empty string or null to remove filter)
> mt y string epoch_nsec Receive rows “older” than this value
> lim n number Number of rows to receive in range [1, 100], default value is 100


	"type": "portfolio_fin_res.get_previous",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
		"p_id": "test2",
		"mt": "2000000000000000000",
		"lim": 100
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_fin_res.get_previous y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> values y object Portfolio snapshot
>> [] y array List of financial results
>>> name y string Portfolio name
>>> r_id y string Robot ID
>>> id y string Unique row id for specified robot
>>> is_sl y boolean Is stop loss row
>>> price y number Price
>>> buy_sell y number direction Direction
>>> quantity y number Integer quantity in number of portfolios
>>> virt y number Is virtual row (1 — virtual, 0 — not virtual)
>>> trs y array Trades
>>>> sk y string SecKey
>>>> p y number Price
>>>> q y number Quantity
>>>> d y number direction Direction
>>>> ono y string Order numebr
>>>> t y string Time in format HH:MM:SS
>>>> ls y number Lot size
>>> decimals y number Integer number of decimal points in price field
>>> dt y string epoch_nsec Time in robot


    "type": "portfolio_fin_res.get_previous",
    "data": {
        "values": [
                "id": "619092220240302220",
                "dt": "1676360033000143287",
                "r_id": "1",
                "name": "test2",
                "price": 0,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "tt": "",
                "virt": 1,
                "quantity": 2,
                "is_sl": false,
                "decimals": 4
                "id": "-6956967845141206966",
                "dt": "1676360032000122289",
                "r_id": "1",
                "name": "test2",
                "price": 0,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "tt": "",
                "virt": 1,
                "quantity": 2,
                "is_sl": false,
                "decimals": 4
                "id": "-4886891137386301017",
                "dt": "1676360031000160779",
                "r_id": "1",
                "name": "test2",
                "price": 0,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "tt": "",
                "virt": 1,
                "quantity": 2,
                "is_sl": false,
                "decimals": 4
                "id": "-3547157834499697168",
                "dt": "1676360030000187246",
                "r_id": "1",
                "name": "test2",
                "price": 0,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "tt": "",
                "virt": 1,
                "quantity": 2,
                "is_sl": false,
                "decimals": 4
                "id": "5167656097367947403",
                "dt": "1676360029000181881",
                "r_id": "1",
                "name": "test2",
                "price": 0,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "tt": "",
                "virt": 1,
                "quantity": 2,
                "is_sl": false,
                "decimals": 4
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1676366276382789596
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_fin_res.get_previous y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.6.4. Запрос истории финансовых результатов портфеля 2

Получить историю от даты до даты



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_fin_res.get_history y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id n string Portfolio name (use be empty string or null to remove filter)
> mint y string epoch_nsec Receive rows “newer” or equal than this value
> maxt y string epoch_nsec Receive rows “older” or equal than this value
> lim n number Number of rows to receive in range [1, 100000], default value is 100000


	"type": "portfolio_fin_res.get_history",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
		"p_id": "test2",
		"maxt": "2000000000000000000",
		"mint": "1",
		"lim": 100
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_fin_res.get_history y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> values y object Portfolio snapshot
>> [] y array List of financial results
>>> name y string Portfolio name
>>> r_id y string Robot ID
>>> id y string Unique row id for specified robot
>>> is_sl y boolean Is stop loss row
>>> price y number Price
>>> buy_sell y number direction Direction
>>> quantity y number Integer quantity in number of portfolios
>>> virt y number Is virtual row (1 — virtual, 0 — not virtual)
>>> trs y array Trades
>>>> sk y string SecKey
>>>> p y number Price
>>>> q y number Quantity
>>>> d y number direction Direction
>>>> ono y string Order numebr
>>>> t y string Time in format HH:MM:SS
>>>> ls y number Lot size
>>> decimals y number Integer number of decimal points in price field
>>> dt y string epoch_nsec Time in robot


    "type": "portfolio_fin_res.get_history",
    "data": {
        "values": [
                "id": "619092220240302220",
                "dt": "1676360033000143287",
                "r_id": "1",
                "name": "test2",
                "price": 0,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "tt": "",
                "virt": 1,
                "quantity": 2,
                "is_sl": false,
                "decimals": 4
                "id": "-6956967845141206966",
                "dt": "1676360032000122289",
                "r_id": "1",
                "name": "test2",
                "price": 0,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "tt": "",
                "virt": 1,
                "quantity": 2,
                "is_sl": false,
                "decimals": 4
                "id": "-4886891137386301017",
                "dt": "1676360031000160779",
                "r_id": "1",
                "name": "test2",
                "price": 0,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "tt": "",
                "virt": 1,
                "quantity": 2,
                "is_sl": false,
                "decimals": 4
                "id": "-3547157834499697168",
                "dt": "1676360030000187246",
                "r_id": "1",
                "name": "test2",
                "price": 0,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "tt": "",
                "virt": 1,
                "quantity": 2,
                "is_sl": false,
                "decimals": 4
                "id": "5167656097367947403",
                "dt": "1676360029000181881",
                "r_id": "1",
                "name": "test2",
                "price": 0,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "tt": "",
                "virt": 1,
                "quantity": 2,
                "is_sl": false,
                "decimals": 4
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1676366276382789596
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_fin_res.get_history y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.6.5. Подсчет средних финансовых результатов портфеля за период



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_fin_res.calc_acg y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> mint y string epoch_nsec Use rows “newer” or equal than this value
> maxt y string epoch_nsec Use rows “older” or equal than this value


	"type": "portfolio_fin_res.calc_avg",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
		"p_id": "test2",
		"mint": "0",
		"maxt": "2000000000000000000"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_fin_res.calc_avg y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> avg y object Portfolio snapshot
>> dec y number Decimals
>> amount_buy y number Buy amount
>> amount_sell y number Sell amount
>> avg_buy y number Average buy price
>> avg_sell y number Average sell price
>> buy y array Buy deals
>>> []
>>>> d y number direction Direction
>>>> sk y string SecKey
>>>> p y number Price
>>>> dec y number Decimals
>>>> q y number Quantity
>>>> ls y number Lot size
>> sell y array Sell deals
>>> []
>>>> d y number direction Direction
>>>> sk y string SecKey
>>>> p y number Price
>>>> dec y number Decimals
>>>> q y number Quantity
>>>> ls y number Lot size


    "type": "portfolio_fin_res.calc_avg",
    "data": {
        "avg": {
            "dec": 4,
            "amount_buy": 2,
            "amount_sell": 4,
            "avg_sell": 0.535075,
            "avg_buy": 0.5352
        "buy": [
                "d": 1,
                "sk": "OKF_1INCH_USDT_SWAP",
                "p": 0.27625,
                "dec": 4,
                "q": 2
                "d": 1,
                "sk": "OKF_ADA_USDT_SWAP",
                "p": 0.25895,
                "dec": 4,
                "q": 2
        "sell": [
                "d": 1,
                "sk": "OKF_1INCH_USDT_SWAP",
                "p": 0.27615,
                "dec": 4,
                "q": 4
                "d": 1,
                "sk": "OKF_ADA_USDT_SWAP",
                "p": 0.258925,
                "dec": 4,
                "q": 4
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1687247128675656052
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_fin_res.calc_avg y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.7. Сделки

# 10.7.1. Подписка на сделки портфеля

Подписаться на новые записи в таблицу сделок портфеля

При удалении портфеля вы будете от него отписаны



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_deals.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name


	"type": "portfolio_deals.subscribe",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
		"p_id": "test3"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success (snapshot)


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_deals.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = s y string request_result Request result
mt y string epoch_nsec Max time, written in data base
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> values y object Portfolio snapshot
>> [] y array List of financial results
>>> name y string Portfolio name
>>> r_id y string Robot ID
>>> id y string Unique row id for specified robot
>>> ono y string Internal order number
>>> price y number Deal price
>>> orig_price y number Original order price
>>> buy_sell y number direction Deal direction
>>> quantity y number Integer deal quantity
>>> cn y string Transactional connection name
>>> sec y string Security unique key
>>> decimals y number Integer number of decimal points in price field
>>> dt y string epoch_nsec Time in robot
>>> curpos y number Integer portfolio security position
>>> lot_size y number Lot size


    "type": "portfolio_deals.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "p_id": "test3",
        "values": [
                "ono": 0,
                "sec": "BTC",
                "name": "test3",
                "price": 1,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "quantity": 1,
                "decimals": 4,
                "cn": "virtual",
                "id": -7788782202760318740,
                "t": 1670932198000080090,
                "dt": 1670932198001653551,
                "lot_size": 1e-8,
		"curpos": 1,
                "r_id": "1"
                "ono": 0,
                "sec": "BTC",
                "name": "test3",
                "price": 1,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "quantity": 1,
                "decimals": 4,
                "cn": "virtual",
                "id": -3752825875325269453,
                "t": 1670932199000047295,
                "dt": 1670932199001713057,
                "lot_size": 1e-8,
		"curpos": 1,
                "r_id": "1"
                "ono": 0,
                "sec": "BTC",
                "name": "test3",
                "price": 1,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "quantity": 1,
                "decimals": 4,
                "cn": "virtual",
                "id": -3688175048979008805,
                "t": 1670932200000058955,
                "dt": 1670932200001680729,
                "lot_size": 1e-8,
		"curpos": 1,
                "r_id": "1"
                "ono": 0,
                "sec": "BTC",
                "name": "test3",
                "price": 1,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "quantity": 1,
                "decimals": 4,
                "cn": "virtual",
                "id": 3502271702100740780,
                "t": 1670932201000080655,
                "dt": 1670932201001754776,
                "lot_size": 1e-8,
		"curpos": 1,
                "r_id": "1"
        "mt": 1670932197144479740
    "r": "s",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1670932201695689426


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_deals.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = u y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> values y object Portfolio snapshot
>> [] y array List of financial results
>>> id y string Unique row id for specified robot
>>> ono y string Internal order number
>>> price y number Deal price
>>> orig_price y number Original order price
>>> buy_sell y number direction Deal direction
>>> quantity y number Integer deal quantity
>>> cn y string Transactional connection name
>>> sec y string Security unique key
>>> decimals y number Integer number of decimal points in price field
>>> dt y string epoch_nsec Time in robot
>>> curpos y number Integer portfolio security position
>>> lot_size y number Lot size


    "type": "portfolio_deals.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "p_id": "test3",
        "values": [
                "ono": 0,
                "sec": "BTC",
                "price": 1,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "quantity": 1,
                "decimals": 4,
                "cn": "virtual",
                "id": -3735218779281737327,
                "t": 1670932204000081702,
                "lot_size": 1e-8,
		"curpos": 1,
                "dt": 1670932204001796726
    "r": "u",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1670932204002772953
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_deals.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.7.2. Отписка от сделок портфеля

Отписаться от таблицы сделок портфеля



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_deals.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> sub_eid y string string_36 Subscription eid


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_deals.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_deals.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.7.3. Запрос истории сделок портфеля

Получить “небольшую” историю старше заданной даты



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_deals.get_previous y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> sec_key n string SecKey name
> mt y string epoch_nsec Receive rows “older” than this value
> lim n number Number of rows to receive in range [1, 100], default value is 100


	"type": "portfolio_deals.get_previous",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
		"p_id": "test2",
		"mt": "2000000000000000000",
		"lim": 100
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_deals.get_previous y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> values y object Portfolio snapshot
>> [] y array List of financial results
>>> name y string Portfolio name
>>> r_id y string Robot ID
>>> id y string Unique row id for specified robot
>>> ono y string Internal order number
>>> price y number Deal price
>>> orig_price y number Original order price
>>> buy_sell y number direction Deal direction
>>> quantity y number Integer deal quantity
>>> cn y string Transactional connection name
>>> sec y string Security unique key
>>> decimals y number Integer number of decimal points in price field
>>> dt y string epoch_nsec Time in robot
>>> curpos y number Integer portfolio security position
>>> lot_size y number Lot size


    "type": "portfolio_deals.get_previous",
    "data": {
        "values": [
                "id": "3721227031066024688",
                "dt": "1676360033000144435",
                "r_id": "1",
                "name": "test2",
                "ono": "0",
                "sec": "BTC",
                "price": 1,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "quantity": 1,
                "cn": "virtual",
                "lot_size": 1e-8,
		"curpos": 1,
                "decimals": 4
                "id": "2474504404744141531",
                "dt": "1676360032000123654",
                "r_id": "1",
                "name": "test2",
                "ono": "0",
                "sec": "BTC",
                "price": 1,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "quantity": 1,
                "cn": "virtual",
                "lot_size": 1e-8,
		"curpos": 1,
                "decimals": 4
                "id": "3876343940139371326",
                "dt": "1676360031000162174",
                "r_id": "1",
                "name": "test2",
                "ono": "0",
                "sec": "BTC",
                "price": 1,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "quantity": 1,
                "cn": "virtual",
                "lot_size": 1e-8,
		"curpos": 1,
                "decimals": 4
                "id": "-1618157002193750741",
                "dt": "1676360030000188693",
                "r_id": "1",
                "name": "test2",
                "ono": "0",
                "sec": "BTC",
                "price": 1,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "quantity": 1,
                "cn": "virtual",
                "lot_size": 1e-8,
		"curpos": 1,
                "decimals": 4
                "id": "2390688254517194909",
                "dt": "1676360029000183395",
                "r_id": "1",
                "name": "test2",
                "ono": "0",
                "sec": "BTC",
                "price": 1,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "quantity": 1,
                "cn": "virtual",
                "lot_size": 1e-8,
		"curpos": 1,
                "decimals": 4
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1676366845413318695
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_deals.get_previous y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.7.4. Запрос списка уникальных бумаг из истории сделок портфеля

Получить уникальные бумаги из истории сделок по портфелям



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_deals.get_sec_keys y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name


	"type": "portfolio_deals.get_sec_keys",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
		"p_id": "test2"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_deals.get_sec_keys y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> values y object Portfolio snapshot
>> [] y array List of sec_keys


    "type": "portfolio_deals.get_sec_keys",
    "data": {
        "values": [
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1676366845413318695
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_deals.get_sec_keys y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.7.5. Запрос истории сделок портфеля 2

Получить историю от даты до даты



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_deals.get_history y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> sec_key n string SecKey name
> mint y string epoch_nsec Receive rows “newer” or equal than this value
> maxt y string epoch_nsec Receive rows “older” or equal than this value
> lim n number Number of rows to receive in range [1, 100000], default value is 100000


	"type": "portfolio_deals.get_history",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
		"p_id": "test2",
		"maxt": "2000000000000000000",
		"mint": "1",
		"lim": 100
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_deals.get_history y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> values y object Portfolio snapshot
>> [] y array List of financial results
>>> name y string Portfolio name
>>> r_id y string Robot ID
>>> id y string Unique row id for specified robot
>>> ono y string Internal order number
>>> price y number Deal price
>>> orig_price y number Original order price
>>> buy_sell y number direction Deal direction
>>> quantity y number Integer deal quantity
>>> cn y string Transactional connection name
>>> sec y string Security unique key
>>> decimals y number Integer number of decimal points in price field
>>> dt y string epoch_nsec Time in robot
>>> curpos y number Integer portfolio security position
>>> lot_size y number Lot size


    "type": "portfolio_deals.get_history",
    "data": {
        "values": [
                "id": "3721227031066024688",
                "dt": "1676360033000144435",
                "r_id": "1",
                "name": "test2",
                "ono": "0",
                "sec": "BTC",
                "price": 1,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "quantity": 1,
                "cn": "virtual",
                "lot_size": 1e-8,
		"curpos": 1,
                "decimals": 4
                "id": "2474504404744141531",
                "dt": "1676360032000123654",
                "r_id": "1",
                "name": "test2",
                "ono": "0",
                "sec": "BTC",
                "price": 1,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "quantity": 1,
                "cn": "virtual",
                "lot_size": 1e-8,
		"curpos": 1,
                "decimals": 4
                "id": "3876343940139371326",
                "dt": "1676360031000162174",
                "r_id": "1",
                "name": "test2",
                "ono": "0",
                "sec": "BTC",
                "price": 1,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "quantity": 1,
                "cn": "virtual",
                "lot_size": 1e-8,
		"curpos": 1,
                "decimals": 4
                "id": "-1618157002193750741",
                "dt": "1676360030000188693",
                "r_id": "1",
                "name": "test2",
                "ono": "0",
                "sec": "BTC",
                "price": 1,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "quantity": 1,
                "cn": "virtual",
                "lot_size": 1e-8,
		"curpos": 1,
                "decimals": 4
                "id": "2390688254517194909",
                "dt": "1676360029000183395",
                "r_id": "1",
                "name": "test2",
                "ono": "0",
                "sec": "BTC",
                "price": 1,
                "buy_sell": 1,
                "quantity": 1,
                "cn": "virtual",
                "lot_size": 1e-8,
		"curpos": 1,
                "decimals": 4
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1676366845413318695
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_deals.get_history y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.8. Логи

# 10.8.1. Подписка на логи портфеля

Подписаться на новые записи в таблицу логов портфеля

При удалении портфеля вы будете от него отписаны

Даже если логи идут с нужного портфеля, то вам они попадут только если email "автора" этой записи в лог пустой (т.е. лог общий) или email "автора" совпадает с email-ом с которого авторизован вебсокет или если роль, под которой авторизован вебсокет, помечена как роль, которой доступны все логи



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_logs.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID


	"type": "portfolio_logs.subscribe",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
		"p_id": "test3"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success (snapshot)


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_logs.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = s y string request_result Request result
mt y number epoch_nsec Max time, written in data base
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> values y object Portfolio snapshot
>> [] y array List of financial results
>>> name y string Portfolio name
>>> id y string Log message ID
>>> r_id y string Robot ID
>>> level y number log_level Log level
>>> msg y string Message
>>> owner n string Message initiator, can be empty string or null
>>> t y number epoch_nsec Time in robot
>>> dt y number epoch_nsec Receive time of backend


    "type": "portfolio_logs.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "p_id": "test3",
        "values": [
                "level": 0,
                "name": "test3",
                "msg": "Portfolio \"test3\" was added by test@gmail.com",
                "t": 1671194453000712498,
                "dt": 1671194453006554913,
                "r_id": "1"
                "level": 5,
                "name": "test3",
                "owner": "",
                "msg": "with owner",
                "t": 1671194454000077684,
                "dt": 1671194454001630241,
                "r_id": "1"
                "level": 5,
                "name": "test3",
                "owner": "",
                "msg": "with owner",
                "t": 1671194455000037908,
                "dt": 1671194455001268250,
                "r_id": "1"
        "mt": 1671194446799559398
    "r": "s",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1671194455524948386


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_logs.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = u y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id y string Portfolio name
> values y object Portfolio snapshot
>> [] y array List of financial results
>>> level y number log_level Log level
>>> id y string Log message ID
>>> msg y string Message
>>> owner n string Message initiator, can be empty string or null
>>> t y number epoch_nsec Time in robot
>>> dt y number epoch_nsec Receive time of backend


    "type": "portfolio_logs.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "p_id": "test3",
        "values": [
                "level": 5,
                "owner": "",
                "msg": "with owner",
                "t": 1671194458000035338,
                "dt": 1671194458000994686
    "r": "u",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1671194458001748066
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_logs.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.8.2. Отписка от логов портфеля

Отписаться от логов портфеля



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_logs.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> sub_eid y string string_36 Subscription eid


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_logs.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = portfolio_logs.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.8.3. Подписка на логи робота

Подписаться на новые записи в таблицу логов робота

При удалении робота вы будете от него отписаны

Даже если логи идут с нужного робота, то вам они попадут только если email "автора" этой записи в лог пустой (т.е. лог общий) или email "автора" совпадает с email-ом с которого авторизован вебсокет или если роль, под которой авторизован вебсокет, помечена как роль, которой доступны все логи



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot_logs.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID


	"type": "robot_logs.subscribe",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success (snapshot)


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot_logs.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = s y string request_result Request result
mt y number epoch_nsec Max time, written in data base
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> values y object
>> [] y array List of logs
>>> r_id y string Robot ID
>>> id y string Log message ID
>>> level y number log_level Log level
>>> msg y string Message
>>> owner n string Message initiator, can be empty string or null
>>> t y number epoch_nsec Time in robot
>>> dt y number epoch_nsec Receive time of backend


    "type": "robot_logs.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "values": [
                "level": 5,
                "name": "",
                "owner": "1",
                "msg": "without name test3",
                "t": 1671195119000062295,
                "dt": 1671195119001430926,
                "r_id": "1"
                "level": 5,
                "name": "",
                "owner": "1",
                "msg": "without name test1",
                "t": 1671195119000069175,
                "dt": 1671195119001430926,
                "r_id": "1"
                "level": 5,
                "name": "",
                "owner": "1",
                "msg": "without name test",
                "t": 1671195119000074206,
                "dt": 1671195119001430926,
                "r_id": "1"
                "level": 5,
                "name": "",
                "owner": "1",
                "msg": "without name test2",
                "t": 1671195119000076823,
                "dt": 1671195119001430926,
                "r_id": "1"
                "level": 5,
                "name": "",
                "owner": "1",
                "msg": "without name test3",
                "t": 1671195120000032802,
                "dt": 1671195120001129882,
                "r_id": "1"
                "level": 5,
                "name": "",
                "owner": "1",
                "msg": "without name test1",
                "t": 1671195120000038895,
                "dt": 1671195120001129882,
                "r_id": "1"
                "level": 5,
                "name": "",
                "owner": "1",
                "msg": "without name test",
                "t": 1671195120000049849,
                "dt": 1671195120001129882,
                "r_id": "1"
                "level": 5,
                "name": "",
                "owner": "1",
                "msg": "without name test2",
                "t": 1671195120000052864,
                "dt": 1671195120001129882,
                "r_id": "1"
        "mt": 1671195116000769082
    "r": "s",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1671195120491778413


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot_logs.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = u y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> values y object
>> [] y array List of logs
>>> level y number log_level Log level
>>> id y string Log message ID
>>> msg y string Message
>>> owner n string Message initiator, can be empty string or null
>>> t y number epoch_nsec Time in robot
>>> dt y number epoch_nsec Receive time of backend


    "type": "robot_logs.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "values": [
                "level": 5,
                "name": "",
                "owner": "1",
                "msg": "without name test3",
                "t": 1671195121000031284,
                "dt": 1671195121001134808
                "level": 5,
                "name": "",
                "owner": "1",
                "msg": "without name test1",
                "t": 1671195121000037556,
                "dt": 1671195121001134808
                "level": 5,
                "name": "",
                "owner": "1",
                "msg": "without name test",
                "t": 1671195121000041973,
                "dt": 1671195121001134808
                "level": 5,
                "name": "",
                "owner": "1",
                "msg": "without name test2",
                "t": 1671195121000060658,
                "dt": 1671195121001134808
    "r": "u",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1671195121002091861
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot_logs.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.8.4. Отписка от логов робота

Отписаться от логов робота



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot_logs.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> sub_eid y string string_36 Subscription eid


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot_logs.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot_logs.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.8.5. Запрос истории логов робота

Получить историю от даты до даты



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot_logs.get_history y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> msg n string Message filter mask, max length 256 symbols. Can use “*” for any multiple characters and “.” for any single character
> mint y string epoch_nsec Receive rows “newer” or equal than this value
> maxt y string epoch_nsec Receive rows “older” or equal than this value
> lim n number Number of rows to receive in range [1, 100000], default value is 100000


	"type": "robot_logs.get_history",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
		"msg": "*test2*",
		"maxt": "2000000000000000000",
		"mint": "1",
		"lim": 100
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot_logs.get_history y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> values y object
>> [] y array List of logs
>>> name y string Portfolio name
>>> r_id y string Robot ID
>>> id y string Log message ID
>>> level y number log_level Log level
>>> msg y string Message
>>> owner n string Message initiator, can be empty string or null
>>> dt y number epoch_nsec Time in robot


    "type": "robot_logs.get_history",
    "data": {
        "values": [
                "dt": "1677586103000245321",
                "r_id": "1",
                "name": "test11",
                "level": 1,
                "msg": "Compilation on \"test11\" is OK",
                "owner": ""
                "dt": "1677586099000142947",
                "r_id": "1",
                "name": "test11",
                "level": 2,
                "msg": "can not calculate ratio or count on: test11",
                "owner": ""
                "dt": "1677586098035538311",
                "r_id": "1",
                "name": "test11",
                "level": 0,
                "msg": "Portfolio \"test11\" was added by test@gmail.com",
                "owner": ""
                "dt": "1677055406000165879",
                "r_id": "1",
                "name": "test11",
                "level": 1,
                "msg": "Compilation on \"test11\" is OK",
                "owner": ""
                "dt": "1677055397000150796",
                "r_id": "1",
                "name": "test11",
                "level": 2,
                "msg": "can not calculate ratio or count on: test11",
                "owner": "test@gmail.com"
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1677586620262732080
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot_logs.get_history y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.9. Инструменты

# 10.9.1. Запрос списка финансовых инструментов

Получить список финансовых инструментов, доступных в данном робота



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.get_securities y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> reload n boolean If true - reloads data from robot, if false (default) - get data from backend
> sec_type n number Bit mask of sec_types to receive


	"type": "robot.get_securities",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.get_securities y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> next y boolean If true, client should wait other messages
> securities y object Securities
>> SEC_KEY y string:object Security object key
>>> sec_key y string Security unique key (should be equal to SEC_KEY)
>>> sec_key_subscr y string Security subscription key on exchange
>>> put y number Put/Call option: 0 — Call, 1 — put, -1 — other (not an option)
>>> step y number Price step
>>> base_sec_key y string Base security unique key
>>> sec_board y string Security board
>>> sec_code y string Security code
>>> description y string Security description
>>> sec_type y number sec_type Security type
>>> d_pg y number Pagination data
>>> isinid_fast y number
>>> isinid_p2 y number
>>> state y number Trading state: 1 — Is trading
>>> exec_end y number Expiration data
>>> strike y number Strike (used for options)
>>> lot_size y number Lot size


    "type": "robot.get_securities",
    "data": {
        "next": false,
        "securities": {
            "OKF_1INCH_USDT_SWAP": {
                "put": -1,
                "step": 0.0001,
                "sec_key": "OKF_1INCH_USDT_SWAP",
                "sec_key_subscr": "1INCH-USDT-SWAP",
                "base_sec_key": "1INCH-USDT",
                "sec_board": "",
                "sec_code": "1INCH-USDT-SWAP",
                "description": "1INCH-USDT-SWAP",
                "sec_type": 67108864,
                "d_pg": 2147483647,
                "isinid_fast": 11798768020302227088,
                "isinid_p2": 0,
                "state": 1,
                "exec_end": 2147483647,
                "strike": 0,
                "lot_size": 1
            "OKS_ZYRO_USDT": {
                "put": -1,
                "step": 0.00001,
                "sec_key": "OKS_ZYRO_USDT",
                "sec_key_subscr": "ZYRO-USDT",
                "base_sec_key": "",
                "sec_board": "",
                "sec_code": "ZYRO-USDT",
                "description": "ZYRO-USDT",
                "sec_type": 67108864,
                "d_pg": 2147483647,
                "isinid_fast": 13296729603019105325,
                "isinid_p2": 0,
                "state": 1,
                "exec_end": 2147483647,
                "strike": 0,
                "lot_size": 1e-8
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1671449845200989442
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.get_securities y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r=e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.9.2. Запрос списка клиентских кодов

Получить список клиентских кодов, доступных в данном роботе



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.get_client_codes y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID


	"type": "robot.get_client_codes",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.get_client_codes y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> values y object
>> [] y array
>>> sec_type y number sec_type Security type
>>> ll y string Client code unique label


    "type": "robot.get_client_codes",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "values": [
                "sec_type": 1048576,
                "ll": "bitmex_send_xxx/xxx"
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1677586108933275724
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.get_client_codes y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r=e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.9.3. Найти финансовый инструмент в роботе/портфеле

Найти заданный финансовый инструмент в портфеле или роботе или всех доступных роботах



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.find_security y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id n string Robot ID
> p_id n string Portfolio name
> key y string Security’s SecKey


	"type": "robot.find_security",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
		"key": "OKF_ADA_USDT_SWAP"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.find_security y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> key y string Security’s SecKey
> portfolios y object Portfolios
>> [] y array List of portfolios with specified SecKey in securities list
>>> r_id y string Robot ID
>>> p_id y string Portfolio name
>>> disabled y boolean Replacing security in this portfolio is disabled
> formulas y object Formulas
>> [] y string
>>> r_id y string Robot ID
>>> p_id y string Portfolio name
>>> pos y number Integer position of found SecKey in formula field
>>> text y string Found substring
>>> sec y string SecKey if substring was found in security formula or an empty string if it was found in portfolio formula
>>> title y string Field title
>>> field y string Field name (key)
>>> value y string Field value
>>> disabled y boolean Editing of this field is disabled


    "type": "robot.find_security",
    "data": {
        "key": "OKF_ADA_USDT_SWAP",
        "portfolios": [
                "r_id": "1",
                "p_id": "test3",
                "disabled": false
        "formulas": [
                "r_id": "1",
                "p_id": "replace",
                "pos": 27,
                "text": "y(\"OKF_ADA_USDT_SWAP\");\nsecurity...",
                "sec": "",
                "title": "Extra field#1",
                "field": "ext_field1_",
                "value": "security s = get_security(\"OKF_ADA_USDT_SWAP\");\nsecurity s1 = get_security(\"OKF_ADA_USDT_SWAP\");",
                "disabled": false
                "r_id": "1",
                "p_id": "replace",
                "pos": 76,
                "text": "y(\"OKF_ADA_USDT_SWAP\");",
                "sec": "",
                "title": "Extra field#1",
                "field": "ext_field1_",
                "value": "security s = get_security(\\OKF_ADA_USDT_SWAP\");\nsecurity s1 = get_security(\"OKF_ADA_USDT_SWAP\");",
                "disabled": false
                "r_id": "1",
                "p_id": "replace",
                "pos": 27,
                "text": "y(\"OKF_ADA_USDT_SWAP\");\nreturn 1...",
                "sec": "OKF_ADA_USDT_SWAP",
                "title": "OKF_ADA_USDT_SWAP#Ratio buy formula",
                "field": "ratio_b_formula",
                "value": "security s = get_security(\"OKF_ADA_USDT_SWAP\");\nreturn 1;",
                "disabled": false
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1672041478409883474
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.find_security y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r=e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.9.4. Заменить финансовый инструмент в портфелях робота

Заменить заданный финансовый инструмент в заданных портфелях данного робота



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.replace_security y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> key y string Old security’s SecKey
> new_sec y object New security
>> sec_key_subscr y string
>> sec_key y string
>> sec_type y number sec_type
>> sec_board y string
>> sec_code y string
> portfolios y string List of portfolio names
>> [] y array List of portfolios with specified SecKey in securities list
> formulas y object Formulas
>> [] y string
>>> p_id y string Portfolio name
>>> pos y number Integer position of SecKey in formula field to replace
>>> sec y string SecKey if field belongs to security field or empty string if field belongs to portfolio field
>>> field y string Field name (key)


		"new_sec":{"sec_key_subscr":"BTC-USDT-SWAP", "sec_key":"OKF_BTC_USDT_SWAP", "sec_type":67108864, "sec_code":"BTC-USDT-SWAP", "sec_board":""},
			{"p_id":"replace", "sec":"", "field":"ext_field1_", "pos":27},
			{"p_id":"replace", "sec":"", "field":"ext_field1_", "pos":76},
			{"p_id":"replace", "sec":"OKF_ADA_USDT_SWAP", "field":"ratio_b_formula", "pos":27},
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.replace_security y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data n object


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.replace_security y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r=e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.10. Маркет-дата

# 10.10.1. Подписка на маркет-дата подключения робота

Подписаться на обновления статусов маркет-дата подключений робота

В любой момент может быть выслан снапшот

В обновлениях придут ключи (sec_type + name) и измененные поля (stream_state ходит всегда целиком)



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = data_conn.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID


	"type": "data_conn.subscribe",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success (snapshot)


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = data_conn.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = s y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> values y object Portfolio snapshot
>> CONN_KEY y string:object Connection key string as SEC_TYPE + “_” + CONN_NAME
>>> name y string Connection name
>>> sec_type y number sec_type Security type
>>> bind_ip y string Bind IP-address
>>> use_in_mc n boolean Always true, it is not used and will be removed
>>> disabled y boolean Disabled connection
>>> stream_state y object Dictionary of data-stream states with stream name as a key and value of type stream_status
>>> has_sec_man y boolean Has security manager
>>> sec_manager y object Dictionary of symbols to find
>>>> SYMBOL y string:object Unique symbol to find
>>>>> state y number symbol_find_state State


    "type": "data_conn.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "values": {
            "3_FAST BestPrices": {
                "sec_type": 3,
                "name": "FAST BestPrices",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
                "stream_state": {},
		"has_sec_man": false,
		"sec_manager": {}
            "8_FAST CURR BestPrices": {
                "sec_type": 8,
                "name": "FAST CURR BestPrices",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
                "stream_state": {},
		"has_sec_man": false,
		"sec_manager": {}
            "8_FAST CURR Definitions": {
                "sec_type": 8,
                "name": "FAST CURR Definitions",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
                "stream_state": {},
		"has_sec_man": false,
		"sec_manager": {}
            "8_FAST CURR Orderlog": {
                "sec_type": 8,
                "name": "FAST CURR Orderlog",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
                "stream_state": {},
		"has_sec_man": false,
		"sec_manager": {}
            "4_FAST FOND BestPrices": {
                "sec_type": 4,
                "name": "FAST FOND BestPrices",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
                "stream_state": {},
		"has_sec_man": false,
		"sec_manager": {}
            "4_FAST FOND Definitions": {
                "sec_type": 4,
                "name": "FAST FOND Definitions",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
                "stream_state": {},
		"has_sec_man": false,
		"sec_manager": {}
            "4_FAST FOND Orderlog": {
                "sec_type": 4,
                "name": "FAST FOND Orderlog",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
                "stream_state": {},
		"has_sec_man": false,
		"sec_manager": {}
            "3_FAST Futures Definitions": {
                "sec_type": 3,
                "name": "FAST Futures Definitions",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
                "stream_state": {},
		"has_sec_man": false,
		"sec_manager": {}
            "17592186044416_FAST INDEXES": {
                "sec_type": 17592186044416,
                "name": "FAST INDEXES",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
                "stream_state": {},
		"has_sec_man": false,
		"sec_manager": {}
            "3_FAST Options Definitions": {
                "sec_type": 3,
                "name": "FAST Options Definitions",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
                "stream_state": {},
		"has_sec_man": false,
		"sec_manager": {}
            "3_FAST Orderlog": {
                "sec_type": 3,
                "name": "FAST Orderlog",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
                "stream_state": {},
		"has_sec_man": false,
		"sec_manager": {}
            "34359738368_binancefut_listen": {
                "sec_type": 34359738368,
                "name": "binancefut_listen",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
                "stream_state": {},
		"has_sec_man": false,
		"sec_manager": {}
            "67108864_okex_listen": {
                "sec_type": 67108864,
                "name": "okex_listen",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
                "stream_state": {},
		"has_sec_man": true,
                "stream_state": {"qwe":{"state":4}}
            "67108864_okex_listen_aws": {
                "sec_type": 67108864,
                "name": "okex_listen_aws",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": false,
                "stream_state": {
                    "Definitions": 0,
                    "Extra": 0,
                    "Funding": 0,
                    "OB": 0,
                    "Socket": 1
		"has_sec_man": false,
		"sec_manager": {}
    "r": "s",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1672318278012852347


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = data_conn.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = u y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> values y object Portfolio snapshot
>> CONN_KEY y string:object Connection key string as SEC_TYPE + “_” + CONN_NAME
>>> name y string Connection name
>>> sec_type y number sec_type Security type
>>> bind_ip n string Bind IP-address
>>> use_in_mc n boolean It is not used and will be removed
>>> disabled n boolean Disabled connection
>>> stream_state n object Dictionary of data-stream states with stream name as a key and value of type stream_status
>>> has_sec_man n boolean Has security manager
>>> sec_manager n object Dictionary of symbols to find
>>>> SYMBOL y string:object Unique symbol to find
>>>>> state n number symbol_find_state State


    "type": "data_conn.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "values": {
            "67108864_okex_listen_aws": {
                "sec_type": 67108864,
                "name": "okex_listen_aws",
                "stream_state": {
                    "Definitions": 1,
                    "Extra": 1,
                    "Funding": 1,
                    "OB": 1,
                    "Socket": 2
    "r": "u",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1672318279003491758
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = data_conn.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.10.2. Получить список маркет-дата подключений робота

Получить список маркет-дата подключений робота



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = data_conn.get_all y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID


	"type": "data_conn.get_all",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = data_conn.get_all y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> values y object Portfolio snapshot
>> CONN_KEY y string:object Connection key string as SEC_TYPE + “_” + CONN_NAME
>>> name y string Connection name
>>> sec_type y number sec_type Security type
>>> sec_type_text y string Security type string
>>> bind_ip y string Bind IP-address
>>> use_in_mc n boolean Always true, it is not used and will be removed
>>> disabled y boolean Disabled connection
>>> stream_state n object Dictionary of data-stream states with stream name as a key and value of type stream_status
>>> has_sec_man y boolean Has security manager
>>> sec_manager n object Dictionary of symbols to find
>>>> SYMBOL y string:object Unique symbol to find
>>>>> state n number symbol_find_state State


    "type": "data_conn.get_all",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "values": {
            "3_FAST BestPrices": {
                "sec_type": 3,
                "name": "FAST BestPrices",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
		"has_sec_man": false,
                "stream_state": {}
            "8_FAST CURR BestPrices": {
                "sec_type": 8,
                "name": "FAST CURR BestPrices",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
		"has_sec_man": false,
                "stream_state": {}
            "8_FAST CURR Definitions": {
                "sec_type": 8,
                "name": "FAST CURR Definitions",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
		"has_sec_man": false,
                "stream_state": {}
            "8_FAST CURR Orderlog": {
                "sec_type": 8,
                "name": "FAST CURR Orderlog",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
		"has_sec_man": false,
                "stream_state": {}
            "4_FAST FOND BestPrices": {
                "sec_type": 4,
                "name": "FAST FOND BestPrices",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
		"has_sec_man": false,
                "stream_state": {}
            "4_FAST FOND Definitions": {
                "sec_type": 4,
                "name": "FAST FOND Definitions",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
		"has_sec_man": false,
                "stream_state": {}
            "4_FAST FOND Orderlog": {
                "sec_type": 4,
                "name": "FAST FOND Orderlog",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
		"has_sec_man": false,
                "stream_state": {}
            "3_FAST Futures Definitions": {
                "sec_type": 3,
                "name": "FAST Futures Definitions",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
		"has_sec_man": false,
                "stream_state": {}
            "17592186044416_FAST INDEXES": {
                "sec_type": 17592186044416,
                "name": "FAST INDEXES",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
		"has_sec_man": false,
                "stream_state": {}
            "3_FAST Options Definitions": {
                "sec_type": 3,
                "name": "FAST Options Definitions",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
		"has_sec_man": false,
                "stream_state": {}
            "3_FAST Orderlog": {
                "sec_type": 3,
                "name": "FAST Orderlog",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
		"has_sec_man": false,
                "stream_state": {}
            "34359738368_binancefut_listen": {
                "sec_type": 34359738368,
                "name": "binancefut_listen",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
		"has_sec_man": false,
                "stream_state": {}
            "67108864_okex_listen": {
                "sec_type": 67108864,
                "name": "okex_listen",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": true,
		"has_sec_man": false,
                "stream_state": {}
            "67108864_okex_listen_aws": {
                "sec_type": 67108864,
                "name": "okex_listen_aws",
                "bind_ip": "",
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "disabled": false,
		"has_sec_man": false,
                "stream_state": {
                    "Definitions": 0,
                    "Extra": 0,
                    "Funding": 0,
                    "OB": 0,
                    "Socket": 1
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1672318278012852347
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = data_conn.get_all y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.10.3. Отписка от маркет-дата подключений робота

Отписаться от обновлений статусов маркет-дата подключений робота



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = data_conn.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> sub_eid y string string_36 Subscription eid


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = data_conn.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = data_conn.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.10.4. Операции с маркет-дата подключениями

Disable/enable/переподключить маркет-дата подключение



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = data_conn.update y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> conn y object Connection object
>> name y string Connection name
>> sec_type y number sec_type Security type
>> * n * Other connection fields from template


    "type": "data_conn.update",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "conn": {
            "sec_type": 67108864,
            "name": "okex_listen_aws",
            "reconnect": true
    "eid": "qwerty"
    "type": "data_conn.update",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "conn": {
            "sec_type": 67108864,
            "name": "okex_listen_aws",
            "disabled": true
    "eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = data_conn.update y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object Empty dict


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = data_conn.update y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r=e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.10.5. Добавить/удалить бумагу в менеджер бумаг

Добавить/удалить бумагу в менеджер бумаг



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = data_conn.add_symbol/del_symbol y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> conn y object Connection object
>> name y string Connection name
>> sec_type y number sec_type Security type
>> symbol y string Symbol to add/del


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = data_conn.add_symbol/del_symbol y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = data_conn.add_symbol/del_symbol y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.10.6. Найти бумагу для менеджера бумаг

Найти бумагу для менеджера бумаг



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = data_conn.find_symbol y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> conn y object Connection object
>> name y string Connection name
>> sec_type y number sec_type Security type
>> symbol y string Symbol to add/del


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = data_conn.find_symbol y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> found y string Found symbol
> warn y string Warning (empty string if no warning)


	"data":{"found":"F.US.EPU23","warn":"Security expired"},
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = data_conn.find_symbol y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Requested symbol .US.EPU23 was not found",

# 10.11. Транзакционные подключения

# 10.11.1. Добавить транзакционное подключение



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.add_trans_conn y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> conn y object Connection object
>> name y string Connection short name
>> exchane y string Security type
>> bind_ip y string Bind IP
>> * n * Other connection fields from template


    "type": "robot.add_trans_conn",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "conn": {
            "exchange": "1048576",
            "name": "qwe",
            "ws_id": "1",
            "ws_secret_part": "2",
            "add_id": "3",
            "add_secret_part": "4",
            "bind_ip": "automatic",
            "ckey": "12345678",
    "eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.add_trans_conn y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> name y string Connection short name
> sec_type y number sec_type Security type


    "type": "robot.add_trans_conn",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "sec_type": 1048576,
        "name": "qwe"
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1683010843351601412
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.add_trans_conn y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r=e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.11.2. Изменить транзакционное подключение



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn.edit y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> conn y object Connection object
>> name y string Connection short name
>> exchane y string Security type
>> bind_ip y string Bind IP
>> * n * Other connection fields from template


    "type": "trans_conn.edit",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "conn": {
            "exchange": "1048576",
            "name": "qwe",
            "ws_id": "1",
            "ws_secret_part": "2",
            "add_id": "3",
            "add_secret_part": "4",
            "bind_ip": "automatic",
            "ckey": "12345678",
    "eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn.edit y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> name y string Connection short name
> sec_type y number sec_type Security type


    "type": "trans_conn.edit",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "sec_type": 1048576,
        "name": "qwe"
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1683010843351601412
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn.edit y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r=e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.11.3. Удалить транзакционное подключение



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn.remove y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> conn y object Connection object
>> name y string Connection short name
>> sec_type y number sec_type Security type


    "type": "trans_conn.remove",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "conn": {
            "sec_type": 67108864,
            "name": "aws"
    "eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn.remove y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> name y string Connection short name
> sec_type y number sec_type Security type


    "type": "trans_conn.remove",
    "data": {
        "sec_type": 1048576,
        "name": "qwe",
        "r_id": "1"
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1683011092645083338
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn.remove y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r=e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.11.4. Получить параметры транзакционного подключения



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn.get y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> conn y object Connection object
>> name y string Connection short name
>> sec_type y number sec_type Security type


    "type": "trans_conn.get",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "conn": {
            "sec_type": 67108864,
            "name": "aws"
    "eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn.get y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> conn y object Connection
>> name y string Connection short name
>> sec_type y number sec_type Security type
>> * n * Other connection fields


    "type": "trans_conn.get",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "conn": {
            "exchange": "1048576",
            "sec_type": 1048576,
            "current_bind_ip": "",
            "name": "qwe",
            "ws_id": "1",
            "ws_secret_part": "2",
            "add_id": "3",
            "add_secret_part": "4",
            "bind_ip": "automatic"
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1683118963003758829
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn.get y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r=e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.11.5. Получить бумаги, торгуемые через транзакционное подключение

Получить бумаги, которые есть в портфелях робота и у которых client code относится именно в данному подключению



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn.get y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> conn y object Connection object
>> name y string Connection short name
>> sec_type y number sec_type Security type


    "type": "trans_conn.get_used_secs",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "conn": {
            "sec_type": 67108864,
            "name": "aws"
    "eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn.get_used_secs y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> contracts y object
>> SEC_KEY y string Security key
>>> step y number Price step
>>> sec_key y string Security key
>>> sec_key_subscr y string Security subscription key
>>> sec_code y string Security description
>>> coin y string Base coin
>>> bid y number Bid price
>>> offer y number Offer price
>>> decimals y number Decimal digits in price
>>> lot_size n number Lot size


    "type": "trans_conn.get_used_secs",
    "data": {
        "contracts": {
            "VT_BTCUSD": {
                "step": 0.5,
                "sec_key": "VT_BTCUSD",
                "sec_key_subscr": "1",
                "sec_code": "BTC/USD contract",
                "coin": "",
                "bid": 35000,
                "offer": 36000,
                "decimals": 1,
                "lot_size": 1e-8
        "r": "p",
        "eid": "q0",
        "ts": 1688720510426841957
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn.get_used_secs y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r=e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.11.6. Подписка на транзакционные подключения робота

Подписаться на обновления статусов транзакционных подключений робота

В любой момент может быть выслан снапшот

В обновлениях придут ключи (sec_type + name) и измененные поля (stream_state и speed_info ходят всегда целиком)



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID


	"type": "trans_conn.subscribe",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success (snapshot)


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = s y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> values y object Portfolio snapshot
>> CONN_KEY y string:object Connection key string as SEC_TYPE + “_” + CONN_NAME
>>> name y string Connection short name
>>> sec_type y number sec_type Security type
>>> full_name y string Connection long name
>>> trans_cnt y number Today transactions count
>>> bind_ip n string Bind IP-address (default value “”)
>>> bind_ip_type n string “static” or “automatic” (default value “automatic”)
>>> use_in_mc n boolean Always true, it is not used and will be removed
>>> can_check_pos y boolean Can show active orders
>>> has_pos n boolean Can receive positions (default false)
>>> disabled y boolean Disabled connection
>>> stream_state n object Dictionary of data-stream states with stream name as a key and value of type stream_status
>>> speed_info n object Dictionary TODO


    "type": "trans_conn.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "values": {
            "1048576_roma": {
                "sec_type": 1048576,
                "name": "roma",
                "full_name": "bitmex_send_roma",
                "trans_cnt": 0,
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "can_check_pos": true,
                "disabled": false,
                "speed_info": {
                    "m0": 0,
                    "m05": 0,
                    "m1": 0,
                    "m2": 0,
                    "m4": 0,
                    "m8": 0,
                    "m16": 0,
                    "l05a": 0,
                    "l05d": 0,
                    "l05m": 0,
                    "l05ra": 0
                "stream_state": {
                    "Margin": 0,
                    "Orders": 0,
                    "Positions": 0,
                    "Socket": 2,
                    "Trades": 0
                "bind_ip": "",
                "bind_ip_type": "automatic",
                "has_pos": true
            "0_virtual": {
                "sec_type": 0,
                "name": "virtual",
                "full_name": "virtual",
                "trans_cnt": 0,
                "use_in_mc": false,
                "can_check_pos": false,
                "disabled": false,
                "speed_info": {
                    "m0": 0,
                    "m05": 0,
                    "m1": 0,
                    "m2": 0,
                    "m4": 0,
                    "m8": 0,
                    "m16": 0,
                    "l05a": 0,
                    "l05d": 0,
                    "l05m": 0,
                    "l05ra": 0
                "stream_state": {
                    "TRANS": 2
    "r": "s",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1674041060021346958


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = u y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> values y object Portfolio snapshot
>> CONN_KEY y string:object Connection key string as SEC_TYPE + “_” + CONN_NAME
>>> name y string Connection short name
>>> sec_type y number sec_type Security type
>>> full_name y string Connection long name
>>> trans_cnt n number Today transactions count
>>> bind_ip n string Bind IP-address (default value “”)
>>> bind_ip_type n string “static” or “automatic” (default value “automatic”)
>>> use_in_mc n boolean Always true, it is not used and will be removed
>>> can_check_pos n boolean Can show active orders
>>> has_pos n boolean Can receive positions
>>> disabled n boolean Disabled connection
>>> stream_state n object Dictionary of data-stream states with stream name as a key and value of type stream_status
>>> speed_info n object Dictionary TODO
>>> __action = del n string Only on delete


    "type": "trans_conn.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "values": {
            "0_virtual": {
                "sec_type": 0,
                "name": "virtual",
                "full_name": "virtual",
                "stream_state": {
                    "TRANS": 2
    "r": "u",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1673868870003507686
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn.get_all y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.11.7. Получить список транзакционных подключений робота

Получить список транзакционных подключений робота



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn.get_all y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID


	"type": "trans_conn.get_all",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn.get_all y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> values y object Portfolio snapshot
>> CONN_KEY y string:object Connection key string as SEC_TYPE + “_” + CONN_NAME
>>> name y string Connection short name
>>> sec_type y number sec_type Security type
>>> full_name y string Connection long name
>>> trans_cnt y number Today transactions count
>>> bind_ip n string Bind IP-address (default value “”)
>>> bind_ip_type n string “static” or “automatic” (default value “automatic”)
>>> use_in_mc n boolean Always true, it is not used and will be removed
>>> can_check_pos y boolean Can show active orders
>>> has_pos n boolean Can receive positions (default false)
>>> disabled y boolean Disabled connection
>>> stream_state n object Dictionary of data-stream states with stream name as a key and value of type stream_status
>>> speed_info n object Dictionary TODO


    "type": "trans_conn.get_all",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "values": {
            "1048576_roma": {
                "sec_type": 1048576,
                "name": "roma",
                "full_name": "bitmex_send_roma",
                "trans_cnt": 0,
                "use_in_mc": true,
                "can_check_pos": true,
                "disabled": false,
                "speed_info": {
                    "m0": 0,
                    "m05": 0,
                    "m1": 0,
                    "m2": 0,
                    "m4": 0,
                    "m8": 0,
                    "m16": 0,
                    "l05a": 0,
                    "l05d": 0,
                    "l05m": 0,
                    "l05ra": 0
                "stream_state": {
                    "Margin": 0,
                    "Orders": 0,
                    "Positions": 0,
                    "Socket": 2,
                    "Trades": 0
                "bind_ip": "",
                "bind_ip_type": "automatic",
                "has_pos": true
            "0_virtual": {
                "sec_type": 0,
                "name": "virtual",
                "full_name": "virtual",
                "trans_cnt": 0,
                "use_in_mc": false,
                "can_check_pos": false,
                "disabled": false,
                "speed_info": {
                    "m0": 0,
                    "m05": 0,
                    "m1": 0,
                    "m2": 0,
                    "m4": 0,
                    "m8": 0,
                    "m16": 0,
                    "l05a": 0,
                    "l05d": 0,
                    "l05m": 0,
                    "l05ra": 0
                "stream_state": {
                    "TRANS": 2
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1674041060021346958
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn.get_all y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.11.8. Отписка от транзакционных подключений робота

Отписаться от обновлений статусов транзакционных подключений робота



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> sub_eid y string string_36 Subscription eid


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.11.9. Подписка на активные заявки транзакционного подключения робота

Подписаться на активные заявки транзакционного подключения робота

В любой момент может быть выслан снапшот

При удалении подключения произойдет отписка



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn_orders.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> conn y object
>> sec_type y number sec_type Security type
>> name y string Connection short name


	"type": "trans_conn_orders.subscribe",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success (snapshot)


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn_orders.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = s y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> value y object Portfolio snapshot
>> name y string Connection short name
>> sec_type y number sec_type Security type
>> full_name y string Connection long name
>> disabled y boolean Disabled connection
>> stream_state y object Dictionary of data-stream states with stream name as a key and value of type stream_status
>> active_orders y string:object Dictionary of active orders
>>> ORDER_ID y string Unique order ID
>>>> sk y string Security key
>>>> lot_size y number Lot size
>>>> cc y string Order’s client code
>>>> subscr y string Security subscription key
>>>> ono y string Unique order ID
>>>> id y string Order’s ext_id
>>>> p y number Price
>>>> q y number Integer quantity
>>>> q0 y number Integer left quantity
>>>> d y number direction Direction
>>>> decimals y number Decimal places in price
>>>> t y string epoch_nsec Order update time
>>>> r y boolean Robot’s order or not


  "type": "trans_conn_orders.subscribe",
  "data": {
    "r_id": "1",
    "value": {
      "sec_type": 1048576,
      "name": "roma",
      "full_name": "bitmex_send_roma",
      "disabled": false,
      "active_orders": {
        "1de6bd60-688c-4777-bd17-aef921888290": {
          "sk": "BM_XBTUSD",
          "lot_size": 1,
          "cc": "",
          "subscr": "XBTUSD",
          "ono": "1de6bd60-688c-4777-bd17-aef921888290",
          "id": "",
          "p": 21228,
          "q": 100,
          "q0": 100,
          "d": 2,
          "decimals": 8,
          "t": "1674203817310000000",
          "r": false
      "stream_state": {
        "Margin": 2,
        "Orders": 2,
        "Positions": 2,
        "Socket": 2,
        "Trades": 2
  "r": "s",
  "eid": "q0",
  "ts": 1674218608752679113


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn_orders.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = u y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> value y object Portfolio snapshot
>> name y string Connection short name
>> sec_type y number sec_type Security type
>> full_name y string Connection long name
>> disabled n boolean Disabled connection
>> stream_state n object Dictionary of data-stream states with stream name as a key and value of type stream_status
>> active_orders n string:object Dictionary of active orders
>>> ORDER_ID n string Unique order ID
>>>> sk n string Security key
>>>> lot_size y number Lot size
>>>> cc n string Order’s client code
>>>> subscr n string Security subscription key
>>>> ono n string Unique order ID
>>>> id n string Order’s ext_id
>>>> p n number Price
>>>> q n number Integer quantity
>>>> q0 n number Integer left quantity
>>>> d n number direction Direction
>>>> decimals n number Decimal places in price
>>>> t n string epoch_nsec Order update time
>>>> r n boolean Robot’s order or not
>>>> __action = del n string Only on delete


    "type": "trans_conn_orders.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "value": {
            "sec_type": 1048576,
            "name": "roma",
            "full_name": "bitmex_send_roma",
            "active_orders": {
                "1de6bd60-688c-4777-bd17-aef921888290": {
                    "__action": "del"
    "r": "u",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1674219741002098084
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn_orders.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.11.10. Отписка от активных заявок транзакционного подключения робота

Отписаться от активные заявки транзакционного подключения робота



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn_orders.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> sub_eid y string string_36 Subscription eid


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn_orders.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn_orders.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.11.11. Снять активную заявку на транзакционном подключении робота

Снять активную заявку на транзакционном подключении робота. Успешный ответ означает только то, что данное сообщение успешно получено роботом, но это не означает, что заявка успешно снята и т.п. Сообщения об успешности или не успешности снятия заявки ходят в логе



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn_orders.cancel y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> order y object
>> sec_type y number sec_type Security type
>> name y string Connection short name
>> cc y string Order’s client code
>> subscr y string Security subscription key
>> ono y string Unique order ID
>> id y string Order’s ext_id
>> d y number direction Direction


	"type": "trans_conn_orders.cancel",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
			"sec_type": 33554432,
			"name": "qwe",
			"ono": "16301618769",
			"subscr": "BTC-PERPETUAL",
			"cc": "",
			"id": "0",
			"d": 1
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn_orders.cancel y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> sec_type y number sec_type Security type
> name y string Connection short name
> cc y string Order’s client code
> subscr y string Security subscription key
> ono y string Unique order ID
> id y string Order’s ext_id
> d y number direction Direction


  "type": "trans_conn_orders.cancel",
  "data": {
    "r_id": "1",
    "sec_type": 33554432,
    "name": "qwe",
    "subscr": "BTC-PERPETUAL",
    "ono": "16301618769",
    "id": "0",
    "cc": "",
    "d": 1
  "r": "p",
  "eid": "q0",
  "ts": 1683801781527007440
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn_orders.cancel y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.11.12. Подписка на позиции транзакционного подключения робота

Подписаться на позиции транзакционного подключения робота

В любой момент может быть выслан снапшот

При удалении подключения произойдет отписка



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn_poses.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> conn y object
>> sec_type y number sec_type Security type
>> name y string Connection short name


	"type": "trans_conn_poses.subscribe",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success (snapshot)


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn_poses.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = s y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> value y object Portfolio snapshot
>> name y string Connection short name
>> sec_type y number sec_type Security type
>> full_name y string Connection long name
>> disabled y boolean Disabled connection
>> stream_state y object Dictionary of data-stream states with stream name as a key and value of type stream_status
>> both_pos y boolean How to display coin pos
>> sec_pos y string:object Dictionary of security positions
>>> SEC_KEY n string Unique security key
>>>> symbol n string Security name
>>>> pos n number Position
>>>> pos_lag n number Allowable position difference
>>>> pos_eq n boolean Check position equality
>>>> tgr n boolean Send telegram notifications
>>>> robot_pos n number Robot position
>>>> mark_price n number Marker price
>>>> liq_price n number Liquidation price
>>>> lot_size n number Lot size
>> coin_pos y string:object Dictionary of security positions
>>> COIN_KEY n string Unique coin key
>>>> symbol n string Coin name
>>>> pos n number Position
>>>> pos_lag n number Allowable position difference
>>>> pos_eq n boolean Check position equality
>>>> tgr n boolean Send telegram notifications
>>>> robot_pos n number Robot position
>>>> mark_price n number Marker price
>>>> liq_price n number Liquidation price


    "type": "trans_conn_poses.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "value": {
            "sec_type": 1048576,
            "name": "roma",
            "full_name": "bitmex_send_roma",
            "both_pos": false,
            "disabled": false,
            "sec_pos": {
                "ADAH23": {
                    "symbol": "BM_ADAH23",
                    "pos": 0,
                    "pos_lag": 99999999999999,
                    "pos_eq": false,
                    "tgr": false,
                    "robot_pos": 0,
                    "mark_price": -1,
                    "liq_price": -1,
                    "lot_size": 1
            "coin_pos": {
                "USDT": {
                    "pos": 1000,
                    "pos_lag": 999999999,
                    "pos_eq": false,
                    "tgr": false
                "XBT": {
                    "pos": 0.10791494,
                    "pos_lag": 999999999,
                    "pos_eq": false,
                    "tgr": false
            "stream_state": {
                "Margin": 2,
                "Orders": 2,
                "Positions": 2,
                "Socket": 2,
                "Trades": 2
    "r": "s",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1674220093555976366


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn_poses.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = u y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> value y object Portfolio snapshot
>> name y string Connection short name
>> sec_type y number sec_type Security type
>> full_name y string Connection long name
>> disabled n boolean Disabled connection
>> stream_state n object Dictionary of data-stream states with stream name as a key and value of type stream_status
>> both_pos n boolean How to display coin pos
>> sec_pos n string:object Dictionary of security positions
>>> SEC_KEY n string Unique security key
>>>> symbol n string Security name
>>>> pos n number Position
>>>> pos_lag n number Allowable position difference
>>>> pos_eq n boolean Check position equality
>>>> tgr n boolean Send telegram notifications
>>>> robot_pos n number Robot position
>>>> mark_price n number Marker price
>>>> liq_price n number Liquidation price
>>>> lot_size n number Lot size
>>>> __action = del n string Only on delete
>> coin_pos n string:object Dictionary of security positions
>>> COIN_KEY n string Unique coin key
>>>> symbol n string Coin name
>>>> pos n number Position
>>>> pos_lag n number Allowable position difference
>>>> pos_eq n boolean Check position equality
>>>> tgr n boolean Send telegram notifications
>>>> robot_pos n number Robot position
>>>> mark_price n number Marker price
>>>> liq_price n number Liquidation price
>>>> __action = del n string Only on delete


    "type": "trans_conn_poses.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "value": {
            "sec_type": 1048576,
            "name": "roma",
            "full_name": "bitmex_send_roma",
            "sec_pos": {
                "XBTUSD": {
                    "symbol": "BM_XBTUSD",
                    "pos": 0,
                    "pos_lag": 99999999999999,
                    "pos_eq": false,
                    "tgr": false,
                    "robot_pos": 0,
                    "mark_price": 21129.9,
                    "liq_price": -1,
                    "lot_size": 1
    "r": "u",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1674220096001698531
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn_poses.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.11.13. Отписка от позиций транзакционного подключения робота

Отписаться от позиций транзакционного подключения робота



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn_poses.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> sub_eid y string string_36 Subscription eid


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn_poses.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn_poses.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.11.14. Изменить параметры позиций транзакционного подключения робота

Успешный ответ означает что запрос дошел до робота и изменяемые параметры имеют допустимые значения, новые значения полей придут в обновлении позиций (если вы на них подписаны)



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn_poses.update_sec_pos/trans_conn_poses.update_coin_pos y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> pos y object
>> sec_type y number sec_type Security type
>> name y string Connection short name
>> key y string Unique position key
>> * n Field to update


	"type": "trans_conn_poses.update_sec_pos",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
			"sec_type": 33554432,
			"name": "qwe",
			"key": "BTC-PERPETUAL",
			"pos_lag": 10
	"eid": "qwerty"
	"type": "trans_conn_poses.update_coin_pos",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
			"sec_type": 33554432,
			"name": "qwe",
			"key": "BTC",
			"pos_lag": 10
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn_poses.update_sec_pos/trans_conn_poses.update_coin_pos y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID


    "type": "trans_conn_poses.update_sec_pos",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1"
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1683898111866793521
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn_poses.update_sec_pos/trans_conn_poses.update_coin_pos y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.11.15. Выравнять позицию по бумаге/валюте на транзакционном подключении

Успешный ответ означает только то, что данное сообщение успешно получено роботом, но это не означает, что заявка успешно выставлена. Сообщения об успешности или не успешности выставления заявки ходят в логе



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn_poses.add_order y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> order y object
>> sec_type y number sec_type Security type
>> name y string Connection short name
>> key_subscr y string Security’s subscription key
>> dir y number direction Order direction
>> oc y number 1 — open position, 2 — close position
>> cc y string Client code
>> amount y number Order amount (always integer)
>> price y number Order price


	"type": "trans_conn_poses.add_order",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
			"sec_type": 33554432,
			"name": "qwe",
			"key_subscr": "BTC-PERPETUAL",
			"dir": 1,
			"oc": 1,
			"cc": "",
			"amount": 10,
			"price": 28000
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn_poses.add_order y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID


    "type": "trans_conn_poses.add_order",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1"
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1683898111866793521
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn_poses.add_order y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.11.16. Операции с транзакционными подключениями

Disable/enable/переподключить транзакционное подключение



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn.update y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> conn y object Connection object
>> name y string Connection short name
>> sec_type y number sec_type Security type
>> * n * Other connection fields from template


    "type": "trans_conn.update",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "conn": {
            "sec_type": 67108864,
            "name": "aws",
            "reconnect": true
    "eid": "qwerty"
    "type": "trans_conn.update",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "conn": {
            "sec_type": 67108864,
            "name": "aws",
            "disabled": true
    "eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn.update y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object Empty dict


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = trans_conn.update y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r=e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.11.17. Выслать вторые части ключей транзакционных подключений

При подключении/переподключении робота к бекенду на фронтенд будет отправлено сообщение (сообщения отправляются только в те сессии, которые подписаны на данного робота) о том, что фронтенду необходимо прислать части зашифрованных параметров подключений для данного робота. В ответ фронтенд должен выслать то, что от него просят



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.get_trans_conn_keys y string Operation type
eid = null y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = u y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID


    "type": "robot.get_trans_conn_keys",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1"
    "r": "u",
    "eid": null,
    "ts": 1683033706186683818


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.trans_conn_keys y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> ckeys y object Connection object
>> [] y string List of string keys, length of each key should be 72 symbols


    "type": "robot.trans_conn_keys",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "ckeys": [
    "eid": "zxc"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.trans_conn_keys y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID


    "type": "robot.trans_conn_keys",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1"
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "zxc",
    "ts": 1683105383212294700
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = robot.trans_conn_keys y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r=e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.12. Фронт

# 10.12.1. Запрос идентификатора шаблона объекта

Получить идентификатор шаблона для заданного объекта



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = get_template_id y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> view y string View ID
> id y object Object ID
>> r_id n string Robot ID
>> p_id n string Portfolio name


	"type": "get_template_id",
	"data": {
		"view": "portfolio",
		"id": {
			"r_id": "1",
			"p_id": "test"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = get_template_id y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> template_id y string Template ID


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = get_template_id y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.12.2. Запрос шаблона по его идентификатору

Получить шаблон для заданного объекта



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = get_template_by_id y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> template_id y string Template ID


	"type": "get_template_by_id",
	"data": {
		"template_id": "3"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = get_template_by_id y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> template y object Template


					{"field":"name","title":"Name","is_key":true,"_comment":"Specify value check","formatter":"string","max_len":30,"default":"","visible":true,"disabled":false}
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = get_template_by_id y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.12.3. Запрос шаблона нового портфеля

Получить шаблон для нового портфеля



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = get_new_portfolio_template y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id n string Robot ID
> p_id n string Portfolio name


	"type": "get_new_portfolio_template",
	"data": {
		"r_id": "1",
		"p_id": "test"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = get_new_portfolio_template y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> template y object Template


					{"field":"name","title":"Name","is_key":true,"_comment":"Specify value check","formatter":"string","max_len":30,"default":"","visible":true,"disabled":false}
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = get_new_portfolio_template y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.12.4. Запрос доступных sec_type

Получить список доступных sec_type



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = get_sec_types y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response


	"type": "get_sec_types",
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = get_sec_types y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> sec_types y array List of sec_types
>> [] y object
>>> id y number sec_type Unique sec_type id
>>> value y string String name


			{"id": 0, "value": "ANY"},
			{"id": 1, "value": "MOEX_OPT"},
			{"id": 2, "value": "MOEX_FUT"}
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = get_sec_types y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.13. Управление роботом

# 10.13.1. Включить робота [роль: admin]

Включить робота



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.start_robot y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID


	"type": "adm_robot.start_robot",
	"data": {"r_id":"1"},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.start_robot y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.start_robot y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Internal error: Error starting robot 1",

# 10.13.2. Выключить робота [роль: admin]

Выключить робота



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.stop_robot y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID


	"type": "adm_robot.stop_robot",
	"data": {"r_id":"1"},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.stop_robot y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.stop_robot y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Internal error: Robot 1 was not stopped",

# 10.13.3. Перезапустить робота [роль: admin]

Перезапустить не торгующего робота



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.restart_robot y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID


	"type": "adm_robot.restart_robot",
	"data": {"r_id":"1"},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.restart_robot y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.restart_robot y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Internal error: Robot 1 was not stopped",

# 10.13.4. Создать робота на сервере [роль: admin]

Создать робота



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_servers.add_robot y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> ll y string Label (Name)
> c_id y string Company unique ID
> cmnt y string Comment
> mtc y number Robot transaction connections limit
> ips y array List of ips as list of strings
> ld y number Log days
> cmd y string Command line params
> srv y string Server name
> bld y string Build name
> start y boolean Robot should be started
> srv_runme y boolean Use runme on server
> exp y number epoch_sec Robot expiration


		"ll":"Robot name",
		"cmd":"--cpu=2 --to=config_prod/inner_test.xml",
		"srv": "local",
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_servers.add_robot y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_servers.add_robot y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.13.5. Изменить робота [роль: admin]

Поля робота поделены на группы, нельзя одновременно менять поля, относящиеся к разным группам

При изменении некоторых полей робот будет автоматически перезапущен



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.update y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> ll n string Label
> cmnt n string Comment
> mtc n number Robot transaction connections limit
> ips n array List of ips as list of strings
> ld n number Log days
> cmd n string Command line params
> srv n string Server name
> bld n string Build name
> srv_runme n boolean Use runme on server
> exp n number epoch_sec Robot expiration


		"ll":"Robot name"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.update y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.update y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.13.6. Написать на почту “ответственным” пользователям робота [роль: admin]

Написать сообщение на почту старшего трейдера и на почты "ответственных" за данного робота трейдеров



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.mail_to y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> subj y string Message subject, ${ROBOT_ID} will be replaced with current robot's ID
> msg y string Message text, ${ROBOT_ID} will be replaced with current robot's ID
> html n boolean Send message as HTML, default value is false


	"type": "adm_robot.mail_to",
	"data": {"r_id":"1", "subj":"Test ${ROBOT_ID}", "msg":"Test ${ROBOT_ID}"},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.mail_to y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> emails y array
>> [] y array List of emails message was sent to


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.mail_to y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Internal error",

# 10.13.7. Удалить робота [роль: admin]

Удалить робота



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.del_robot y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID


	"type": "adm_robot.del_robot",
	"data": {"r_id":"1"},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.del_robot y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.del_robot y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Internal error: Error deleting robot 1",

# 10.13.8. Подписка на сервера [роль: admin]

Подписаться на события по всем серверам

В любой момент может быть выслан снапшот

В обновлениях всегда приходят все данные по серверу, ключ — id

При удалении сервера придет поле __action=del



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_servers.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response


	"type": "adm_servers.subscribe",
	"data": {},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success (snapshot)


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_servers.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = s y string request_result Request result
data y object
> srvs y object Servers
>> id y string Server ID
>> host y string Server ip-address
>> env y string Server environment name
>> cpus y number CPU cores count
>> ips y array Array of ip-addresses as strings
>> blds y object Builds available on server
>>> BLD_ID y string:string Build ID as a key and version + version date/time as value (see example)
>> rbts y object Robots available on server
>>> ROBOT_ID y string:object Robot ID
>>>> ps y number process_status Robot system process status
>>>> cpus y object Cpus used by robot
>>>>> cpu y number Main thread cpu affinity
>>>>> ecpus y array Array of other cpus, used by robot
>>> ips y array Array of ips, available for robot
>> k y string Kernel
>> st y number stream_status Server connection status
>> a_rbts y number Active robots
>> f_cpus y number Free cpus


	"type": "servers.subscribe",
	"data": {
		"srvs": {
			"local": {
				"id": "local",
				"host": "",
				"env": "alma9arm",
				"ips": [
				"cpus": 4,
				"blds": {
					"vikingrobot.alma9arm.vrb_test": "5abe45e:1679384076"
				"rbts": {
					"3": {
						"ps": 2,
						"cpus": {
							"cpu": 2,
							"ecpus": [
					"1": {
						"ps": 2,
						"cpus": {
							"cpu": 2,
							"ecpus": [
					"2": {
						"ps": 2,
						"cpus": {
							"cpu": 2,
							"ecpus": [
				"k": "5.14.0-70.13.1.el9_0.aarch64",
				"st": 2,
				"a_rbts": 3,
				"f_cpus": 2
	"r": "s",
	"eid": "q0",
	"ts": 1679400597474532722


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_servers.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = u y string request_result Request result
data y object
> srvs y object Servers
>> id y string Server ID
>> host y string Server ip-address
>> env y string Server environment name
>> cpus y number CPU cores count
>> ips y array Array of ip-addresses as strings
>> blds y object Builds available on server
>>> BLD_ID y string:string Build ID as a key and version + version date/time as value (see example)
>> rbts y object Robots available on server
>>> ROBOT_ID y string:object Robot ID
>>>> ps y number process_status Robot system process status
>>>> cpus y object Cpus used by robot
>>>>> cpu y number Main thread cpu affinity
>>>>> ecpus y array Array of other cpus, used by robot
>>>>> ips y array Array of ips, available for robot


    "type": "adm_servers.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "srvs": {
            "local": {
                "id": "local",
                "host": "",
                "env": "alma9arm",
                "ips": [
                "cpus": 4,
                "blds": {
                    "vikingrobot.alma9arm.vrb_test": "5abe45e:1679384076"
                "rbts": {
                    "3": {
                        "ps": 2,
                        "cpus": {
                            "cpu": 2,
                            "ecpus": [
                    "1": {
                        "ps": 2,
                        "cpus": {
                            "cpu": 2,
                            "ecpus": [
                    "2": {
                        "ps": 2,
                        "cpus": {
                            "cpu": 2,
                            "ecpus": [
                "k": "5.14.0-70.13.1.el9_0.aarch64",
                "st": 2,
                "a_rbts": 3,
                "f_cpus": 2
    "r": "u",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1679400597474532722
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_servers.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.13.9. Отписка от серверов [роль: admin]

Отписаться от событий по всем серверам



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_servers.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> sub_eid y string string_36 Subscription eid


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_servers.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_servers.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.13.10. Подписка на состояние модулей [роль: admin]



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_state.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response


	"type": "adm_state.subscribe",
	"data": {},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success (snapshot)


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_state.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = s y string request_result Request result
data y object
> ws_admin y number stream_status Admin WebSocket state


    "type": "adm_state.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "ws_admin": 1
    "r": "s",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1688470828209634161


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_servers.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = u y string request_result Request result
data y object
> ws_admin n number stream_status Admin WebSocket state


    "type": "adm_state.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "ws_admin": 2
    "r": "u",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1688470828209634161
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_state.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.13.11. Отписка от состояния модулей [роль: admin]



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_state.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> sub_eid y string string_36 Subscription eid


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_state.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_state.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.13.12. Получить список компаний [роль: admin]



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_state.get_companies y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> sub_eid y string string_36 Subscription eid


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_state.get_companies y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> companies y array Array of companies
>> [] y
>>> c_id y string Company unique ID
>>> name y string Company name


    "type": "adm_state.get_companies",
    "data": {
        "companies": [
                "c_id": "0",
                "name": "public"
                "c_id": "1",
                "name": "viking"
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1688475345022758746
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_state.get_companies y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.13.13. Получить свободный id робота [роль: admin]



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.next_r_id y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.next_r_id y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> r_id y string Robot id


    "type": "adm_robot.next_r_id",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "4"
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1688546633242201651
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.next_r_id y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.14. Нескрываемые сообщения

# 10.14.1. Подписка на сообщения

Подписаться на сообщения, при успешной подписке приходит снапшот из 20-ти сообщений

В обновлениях приходят только ключ сообщения и обновленный статус



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = messages.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response


	"type": "messages.subscribe",
	"data": {},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success (snapshot)


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = messages.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = s y string request_result Request result
data y object
> values y object Unread messages snapshot
>> [] y array List of messages
>>> st y number Message state (0 - unread, 1 - read)
>>> dt y number epoch_msec Message time
>>> msg y string Message text (also used as unique id)
> mt y number epoch_msec Max time, written in data base (can be null)
> count y number Number of messages with st=1 in data base


	"type": "messages.subscribe",
	"data": {
	"values": [
			"st": 0,
			"dt": 1722258395158,
			"msg": "Test msg 1"
			"st": 0,
			"dt": 1722258376516,
			"msg": "Test msg 2"
	"mt": 1721984718924,
	"count": 2


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = messages.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = u y string request_result Request result
data y object
> count y number Number of messages with st=1 in data base
> values y object Unread messages snapshot
>> [] y array List of messages
>>> msg y string Message text (also used as unique id)
>>> st n number Message state (0 - unread, 1 - read)
>>> dt n number epoch_msec Message time


  "type": "messages.subscribe",
  "data": {
    "values": [
        "msg": "Test msg 1",
        "st": 1
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = messages.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.14.2. Отписка от сообщений

Отписаться от сообщений



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = messages.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> sub_eid y string string_36 Subscription eid


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = messages.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = messages.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.14.3. Запрос истории сообщений

Получить “небольшую” историю старше заданной даты



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = messages.get_previous y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> read n boolean Show already read messages, default value is false
> mt y number epoch_msec Receive messages “older” than this value
> lim n number Number of messages to receive in range [1, 100], default value is 100


	"type": "messages.get_previous",
	"data": {
		"mt": "2000000000000",
		"lim": 100
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = messages.get_previous y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> count y number Number of messages with st=1 or st=0 (depending on filter) in data base
> values y object Unread messages snapshot
>> [] y array List of messages
>>> st y number Message state (0 - unread, 1 - read)
>>> dt y number epoch_msec Message time
>>> msg y string Message text (also used as unique id)


	"type": "messages.get_previous",
	"data": {
	"values": [
			"st": 0,
			"dt": 1722258395158,
			"msg": "Test msg 1"
			"st": 0,
			"dt": 1722258376516,
			"msg": "Test msg 2"
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = messages.get_previous y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.14.4. Запрос истории сообщений 2

Получить историю от даты до даты



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = messages.get_history y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> read n boolean Show already read messages, default value is false
> mint y number epoch_msec Receive messages “newer” or equal than this value
> maxt y number epoch_msec Receive messages “older” or equal than this value
> lim n number Number of messages to receive in range [1, 100], default value is 100


	"type": "messages.get_history",
	"data": {
		"mt": "2000000000000",
		"lim": 100
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = messages.get_history y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> count y number Number of messages with st=1 or st=0 (depending on filter) in data base
> values y object Unread messages snapshot
>> [] y array List of messages
>>> st y number Message state (0 - unread, 1 - read)
>>> dt y number epoch_msec Message time
>>> msg y string Message text (also used as unique id)


	"type": "messages.get_history",
	"data": {
	"values": [
			"st": 0,
			"dt": 1722258395158,
			"msg": "Test msg 1"
			"st": 0,
			"dt": 1722258376516,
			"msg": "Test msg 2"
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = messages.get_history y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.14.5. Добавить сообщение [роль: admin]



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = messages.add y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> to y string User to send message to
> msg y string Message text


	"type": "messages.add",
	"data": {
		"to": "test@gmail.com",
		"msg": "Hello world!"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = messages.add y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> eid y string string_36 Message unique ID
> dt y number epoch_msec Message time


	"type": "messages.add",
	"data": {
		"dt": 1722258395158
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = messages.add y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.14.6. Отметить сообщение как прочитанное



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = messages.mark_as_read y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> msg y string Message text (also used as unique id)


	"type": "messages.mark_as_read",
	"data": {
		"msg": "Test msg 1"
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = messages.mark_as_read y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Message text (also used as unique id)


	"type": "messages.mark_as_read",
	"data": {
		"msg": "Test msg 1"
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = messages.mark_as_read y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.15. Компании и пользователи

# 10.15.1. Подписка на компании [роль: admin]

В любой момент может быть выслан снапшот

В обновлениях приходят только измененные данные по компании, ключ — c_id

При удалении компании придет поле __action=del



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_companies.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object


	"type": "adm_companies.subscribe",
	"data":	{},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success (snapshot)


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_companies.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = s y string request_result Request result
data y object
> comps y array
>> [] y array Array of companies
>>> c_id y string Company id
>>> name y string Name


  "type": "adm_companies.subscribe",
  "data": {
    "comps": [
      { "c_id": "0", "name": "public" },
      { "c_id": "1", "name": "viking" },
      { "c_id": "1001", "name": "test" },
      { "c_id": "1004", "name": "test1" },
      { "c_id": "1005", "name": "test2" },
      { "c_id": "1002", "name": "_1000" },
      { "c_id": "1003", "name": "_1000" }
  "r": "s",
  "eid": "q0",
  "ts": 1693393274699469298


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = companies.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = u y string request_result Request result
data y object
> comps y array
>> [] y array Array of companies
>>> c_id y string Company id
>>> name n string Name
>>> __action=del n


    "type": "adm_companies.subscribe",
    "data": {
        "comps": [
                "c_id": "1004",
                "__action": "del"
    "r": "u",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1693393274719343188
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_companies.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.15.2. Отписка от компаний [роль: admin]



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = companies.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> sub_eid y string string_36 Subscription eid


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = companies.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = companies.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.15.3. Создать компанию [роль: admin]



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_companies.add y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> name y string Name


	"type": "adm_companies.add",
	"data": {"name":"1"},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_companies.add y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> c_id y string Company ID


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_companies.add y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Internal error",

# 10.15.4. Изменить компанию [роль: admin]



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_companies.update y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> c_id y string Company ID
> name n string Name


	"type": "adm_companies.update",
	"data": {"name":"1", "c_id":"1"},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_companies.update y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> c_id y string Company ID


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_companies.update y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Internal error",

# 10.15.5. Удалить компанию [роль: admin]



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_companies.remove y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> c_id y string Company ID


	"type": "adm_companies.remove",
	"data": {"c_id":"1"},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_companies.remove y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> c_id y string Company ID


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_companies.remove y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Internal error",

# 10.15.6. Получить/подписка список пользователей в компаниях

Ключ — c_id + u_id

Подписка доступна только админу

По подписке всегда ходит снапшот

Подписка subscribe вместо get



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = users_in_companies.get y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object


	"type": "users_in_companies.get",
	"data":	{},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = users_in_companies.get y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> usrs y array
>> [] y array Array of users in companies
>>> c_id y string Company id
>>> comp y string Company name
>>> u_id y string User ID (email)
>>> roles y array Array of roles as strings
>>> rbts y array Array of robot ids as strings
>>> portfs y array Array users’s portfolios
>>>> [] y [string, string] portfolio_id Portfolio ID (robot ID and portfolio name)


  "type": "users_in_companies.get",
  "data": {
    "usrs": [
        "roles": ["admin"],
        "rbts": [],
        "portfs": [],
        "c_id": "1002",
        "comp": "_1000",
        "u_id": "test@gmail.com"
        "roles": ["admin", "head_of_traders", "trader"],
        "rbts": [],
        "portfs": [],
        "c_id": "1",
        "comp": "viking",
        "u_id": "test@gmail.com"
        "roles": ["admin"],
        "rbts": [],
        "portfs": [],
        "c_id": "1003",
        "comp": "_1000",
        "u_id": "test@gmail.com"
        "roles": ["admin"],
        "rbts": [],
        "portfs": [],
        "c_id": "1005",
        "comp": "test2",
        "u_id": "test@gmail.com"
        "roles": ["admin"],
        "rbts": [],
        "portfs": [],
        "c_id": "1001",
        "comp": "test",
        "u_id": "test@gmail.com"
        "roles": ["admin", "demo"],
        "rbts": ["1"],
        "portfs": [["1", "qwe"]],
        "c_id": "0",
        "comp": "public",
        "u_id": "test@gmail.com"
  "r": "s",
  "eid": "q0",
  "ts": 1693481809219464007
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = users_in_companies.get y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.15.7. Добавить/изменить/удалить пользователя в компании

Одна команда для добавления/изменения/удаления

Для удаления нужно оставить список ролей пустым

Для данного пользователя будут закрыты все его вебсокет сессии!



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = users_in_companies.update y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> c_id y string Company id
> u_id y string User ID (email)
> add n boolean Use this flag on adding new user to company, default value is false. If flag is set, you will receive an error message if user is already in company
> roles y array Array of roles as strings
> rbts y array Array of robot ids as strings
> portfs y array Array users’s portfolios
>> [] y [string, string] portfolio_id Portfolio ID (robot ID and portfolio name)


	"type": "users_in_companies.update",
		"u_id": "test@gmail.com",
		"c_id": "0",
		"roles": ["admin", "trader"],
		"rbts": ["1"],
		"portfs":[["1", "test1"]]
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = users_in_companies.update y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> usrs y array
>> [] y array Array of users in companies
>>> c_id y string Company id
>>> comp y string Company name
>>> u_id y string User ID (email)
>>> roles y array Array of roles as strings
>>> rbts y array Array of robot ids as strings
>>> portfs y array Array users’s portfolios
>>>> [] y [string, string] portfolio_id Portfolio ID (robot ID and portfolio name)


  "type": "users_in_companies.get",
  "data": {
    "usrs": [
        "roles": ["admin"],
        "rbts": [],
        "portfs": [],
        "c_id": "1002",
        "comp": "_1000",
        "u_id": "test@gmail.com"
        "roles": ["admin", "head_of_traders", "trader"],
        "rbts": [],
        "portfs": [],
        "c_id": "1",
        "comp": "viking",
        "u_id": "test@gmail.com"
        "roles": ["admin"],
        "rbts": [],
        "portfs": [],
        "c_id": "1003",
        "comp": "_1000",
        "u_id": "test@gmail.com"
        "roles": ["admin"],
        "rbts": [],
        "portfs": [],
        "c_id": "1005",
        "comp": "test2",
        "u_id": "test@gmail.com"
        "roles": ["admin"],
        "rbts": [],
        "portfs": [],
        "c_id": "1001",
        "comp": "test",
        "u_id": "test@gmail.com"
        "roles": ["admin", "demo"],
        "rbts": ["1"],
        "portfs": [["1", "qwe"]],
        "c_id": "0",
        "comp": "public",
        "u_id": "test@gmail.com"
  "r": "s",
  "eid": "q0",
  "ts": 1693481809219464007
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = users_in_companies.update y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.15.8. Получить компании доступные пользователю



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = users_in_companies.get_companies y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object


	"type": "users_in_companies.get_companies",
	"data": {},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = users_in_companies.get_companies y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> comps array
>> [] array Companies
>>> c_id y string Company ID
>>> name y string Company name


  "type": "users_in_companies.get_companies",
  "data": {
    "comps": [
      { "c_id": "1002", "name": "_1000" },
      { "c_id": "1", "name": "viking" },
      { "c_id": "1003", "name": "_1000" },
      { "c_id": "1005", "name": "test2" },
      { "c_id": "1001", "name": "test" },
      { "c_id": "0", "name": "public" }
  "r": "p",
  "eid": "q0",
  "ts": 1693481809217639511
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = users_in_companies.get_companies y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Internal error",

# 10.15.9. Получить роботов компании



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = users_in_companies.get_robots y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> c_id y string Company ID


	"type": "users_in_companies.get_robots",
	"data": {"c_id":"1"},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = users_in_companies.get_robots y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> rbts array Array of robots as strings


  "type": "users_in_companies.get_robots",
  "data": { "rbts": ["1", "2", "3"] },
  "r": "p",
  "eid": "q0",
  "ts": 1693481809218424440
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = users_in_companies.get_robots y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Internal error",

# 10.15.10. Получить портфели компании



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = users_in_companies.get_portfolios y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> c_id y string Company ID


	"type": "users_in_companies.get_portfolios",
	"data": {"c_id":"1"},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = users_in_companies.get_portfolios y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> portfs y array Array of users’s portfolios
>> [] y [string, string] portfolio_id Portfolio ID (robot ID and portfolio name)


  "type": "users_in_companies.get_portfolios",
  "data": {
    "portfs": [
      ["1", "replace"],
      ["1", "test96"],
      ["1", "test97"],
      ["1", "test98"],
      ["1", "test99"],
      ["3", "test"]
  "r": "p",
  "eid": "q0",
  "ts": 1693481809218962771
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = users_in_companies.get_portfolios y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Internal error",

# 10.15.11. Получить портфели пользователя в компании



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = users_in_companies.get_user_portfolios y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> c_id y string Company ID


	"type": "users_in_companies.get_user_portfolios",
	"data": {"c_id":"1", "u_id":"test@gmail.com"},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = users_in_companies.get_user_portfolios y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> portfs y array Array of users’s portfolios
>> [] y [string, string] portfolio_id Portfolio ID (robot ID and portfolio name)


  "type": "users_in_companies.get_user_portfolios",
  "data": {
    "portfs": [
      ["1", "replace"],
      ["1", "test96"],
      ["1", "test97"],
      ["1", "test98"],
      ["1", "test99"],
      ["3", "test"]
  "r": "p",
  "eid": "q0",
  "ts": 1693481809218962771
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = users_in_companies.get_user_portfolios y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Internal error",

# 10.15.12. Получить емейлы пользователей компании



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = users_in_companies.get_users y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> c_id y string Company ID


	"type": "users_in_companies.get_users",
	"data": {"c_id":"1"},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = users_in_companies.get_robots y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> usrs array Array of emails as strings


  "type": "users_in_companies.get_userss",
  "data": { "usrs": ["test@gmail.com", "xxx@mail.ru"] },
  "r": "p",
  "eid": "q0",
  "ts": 1693481809218424440
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = users_in_companies.get_users y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Internal error",

# 10.15.13. Подписка на параметры пользователя

В любой момент может быть выслан снапшот

В обновлениях приходят только измененные данные по пользователю, ключ — u_id



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = user.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> u_id y string User ID (email)


	"type": "user.subscribe",
	"data":	{"u_id":"test@mail.ru"},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success (snapshot)


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = user.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = s y string request_result Request result
data y object
> u_id y string User ID (email)
> api_key y string API key
> enable_api y boolean Enable API flag
> tgr y number Telegram ID
> hide_not_my_notifs y boolean Hide notifications "generated" by another user


  "type": "user.subscribe",
  "data": { "tgr": 214020169, "enable_api": true, "api_key": "******" },
  "r": "s",
  "eid": "q0",
  "ts": 1694072105955648388


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = user.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = u y string request_result Request result
data y object
> u_id y string User ID (email)
> api_key n string API key
> enable_api n boolean Enable API flag
> tgr n number Telegram ID
> hide_not_my_notifs n boolean Hide notifications "generated" by another user


  "type": "user.subscribe",
  "data": { "enable_api": false, "api_key": "", "u_id": "test@gmail.com" },
  "r": "u",
  "eid": "q0",
  "ts": 1694072105972483566
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = user.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.15.14. Отписка от параметров пользователя



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = user.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> sub_eid y string string_36 Subscription eid


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = user.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = user.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.15.15. Изменить параметры пользователя



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = user.update y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> u_id y string User ID (email)
> api_key n string API key
> enable_api n boolean Enable API flag
> tgr n number Telegram ID
> hide_not_my_notifs n boolean Hide notifications "generated" by another user


	"type": "user.update",
	"data":	{"u_id":"test@mail.ru", "tgr":1},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = user.update y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> u_id y string User ID (email)
> api_key n string API key
> enable_api n boolean Enable API flag
> tgr n number Telegram ID
> hide_not_my_notifs n boolean Hide notifications "generated" by another user


    "type": "user.update",
    "data": {
        "enable_api": true,
        "api_key": "QnRxE9QHyd1Hymd1i5nemcD45m2mWf8zUCpdl24HKLFuKSW6rQvOAukWTKqS2ELDzmWegBniEUVUoJJD",
        "u_id": "test@gmail.com"
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1694072105972483566
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = user.update y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.15.16. Получить отключенные настройки telegram уведомлений пользователя



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = user.get_tgr_notifications y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response


	"type": "user.get_tgr_notifications",
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = user.get_tgr_notifications y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> values y object
>> ROBOT_ID:VALUE y string:number string:tgr_notification Robot ID and bitmask of turned off telegram noitification levels


    "type": "user.get_tgr_notifications",
    "data": {
        "values": {
            "1": 7,
            "2": 1
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1694072105972483566
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = user.get_tgr_notifications y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.15.17. Отключить настройки telegram уведомлений пользователя



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = user.set_tgr_notifications y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> values y object
>> ROBOT_ID:VALUE y string:number string:tgr_notification Robot ID and bitmask of turned off telegram noitification levels


    "type": "user.set_tgr_notifications",
    "eid": "qwerty"
    "data": {
        "values": {
            "1": 7,
            "2": 1
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = user.set_tgr_notifications y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


    "type": "user.set_tgr_notifications",
    "r": "p",
    "eid": "q0",
    "ts": 1694072105972483566
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = user.set_tgr_notifications y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.16. Операции админа

# 10.16.1. Множественные операции над портфелями/подключениями робота (для админа)

stop_trading — выключить торговлю по всем портфелям

start_trading — включить торговлю по всем портфелям

reset_poses — “сбросить” позиции всех портфеле в ноль

reset_orders — “сбросить” статусы заявок всех портфелей

to_market — “сбросить” активные заявки всех портфелей “в рынок”

reconnect_trans — переподключить все транзакционные подключения

reconnect_data — переподключить все маркет-дата подключения



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.OPERATION y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID


	"type": "adm_robot.stop_trading",
	"data": {"r_id":"1"},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.OPERATION y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.OPERATION y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.16.2. Операции над портфелями/подключениями робота в базе данных (для админа)

del_portfolio_db — удалить портфель сразу из базы данных на отключенном роботе

del_trans_conn_db — удалить транзакционное подключение сразу из базы данных на отключенном роботе



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.OPERATION y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> r_id y string Robot ID
> p_id n string Portfolio name
> sec_type n number sec_type Trans conn SecType
> name n string Trans conn name


    "type": "adm_robot.del_portfolio_db",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "p_id": "test41"
    "eid": "1"
    "type": "adm_robot.del_trans_conn_db",
    "data": {
        "r_id": "1",
        "sec_type": 1048576,
        "name": "roma"
    "eid": "1"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.OPERATION y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = adm_robot.OPERATION y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.16.3. Подписка на неотправленные email-ы

При обновлении сатуса отправки email-а, всегда приходят все данные по email-у

Когда письмо отправится, придет поле __action=del

Subscription request


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = emails.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data n object


	"type": "emails.subscribe",
	"data": {},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success (snapshot)


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = emails.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = s y string request_result Request result
data y object
> emails y array Array of not sent emails
>> [] y Array of objects
>>> id y number Unique email ID
>>> status y number email_status Email sending status
>>> dt y string epoch_nsec Moment email was added to sending queue
>>> subj y string Email subject
>>> msg y string Email text
>>> to y array Array of emails message was sent to


		"emails":[{"id":23,"status":0,"dt":"1705921207989767057","subj":"Test 2","msg":"Test 2", "to":["test@mail.ru"]}]


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = emails.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = u y string request_result Request result
data y object
> emails y array Array of not sent emails
>> [] y Array of objects
>>> id y number Unique email ID
>>> status n number email_status Email sending status
>>> dt n string epoch_nsec Moment email was added to sending queue
>>> subj n string Email subject
>>> msg n string Email text
>>> to n array Array of emails message was sent to
>>> __action = del n string Only on delete


		"emails":[{"id":23,"status":1,"dt":"1705921207989767057","subj":"Test 2","msg":"Test 2", "to":["test@mail.ru"]}]
Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = emails.subscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.16.4. Отписка от неотправленных email-ов



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = emails.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> sub_eid y string string_36 Subscription eid


Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = emails.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = emails.unsubscribe y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Operation timeout",

# 10.16.5. Получить одноразовый ключ для логина от имени другого пользователя (для админа)

Полученный ключ действителен в течение 5 секунд

После успешного или не успешного логина, а также при очередном запросе, текущий одноразовый ключ будет удален



Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = admins.get_user_one_off_key y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
data y object
> u_id y string User ID (email)


	"type": "admins.get_user_one_off_key",
	"data": {"u_id":"test@gmail.com"},
	"eid": "qwerty"
Response on success


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = admins.get_user_one_off_key y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = p y string request_result Request result
data y object
> one_off_key y string One-off auth key


Response on error


Key[=value] Required JSON type Internal type Description
type = admins.get_user_one_off_key y string Operation type
eid y string string_36 External user id that will be received in response
ts y number epoch_nsec Response time in nano seconds
r = e y string request_result Request result
data y object
> msg y string Error message
> code y number err_code Error code


		"msg":"Permission denied",

# 10.17. Типы данных

Name JSON type Description
string_36 string String with maximum length of 36 symbols
user_role string Enum: “demo” — demo user
epoch_nsec string Epoch time in nanoseconds integer representation. Example: 1584629107000000000
epoch_msec number Epoch time in milliseconds integer representation. Example: 1584629107000
epoch_sec number Epoch time in seconds integer representation. Example: 1584629107
request_result string Enum: “p” — performed, “e” — error, “s” — snapshot, “u” — update
language string Enum: “en” — English, “ru” — Russian
portfolio_id [string, string] Pair of strings, first element is a robot ID, second element is a portfolio name
sec_type number Integer value, security exchange/connection type. Value should be received in template
stream_status number Integer value, enum: 0 — disconnected, 1 — connecting, 2 — connected, 3 — unknown
trading_status number Integer value, enum: 0 — not trading, 2 —trading, 3 — unknown
process_status number Integer value, enum: 0 — not running, 2 —running, 3 — unknown
email_status number Integer value, enum: 0 — pending, 1 — in progress, 2 — sent, 3 — send failed
direction number Integer value, enum: 1 — buy, 2 — sell
order_status number Integer value, enum: 1 — adding, 2 — running, 4 — deleting, 5 — first_deleting, 6 — sl_deleting, 7 — moving, 99 — add_error
symbol_find_state number Integer value, enum: 0 — unknown, 1 — searching, 2 — found, 3 — expired, 4 — error
tgr_notification number 1 — TGR_ORDER (ошибки выставления заявки с выключением торговли),
2 — TGR_ERROR (это ошибки из логирования в формулах),
4 — TGR_NOTIFICATION (уведомления из алгоритма)
log_level number 0 — LEVEL_DEBUG, зеленый (обычно, запись пользовательских редактирований робота)
1 — LEVEL_INFO, синий
2 — LEVEL_WARNING, желтый
3 — LEVEL_ERROR, красный (это ошибка выставления/снятия заявки, всегда пишется из алгоритма)
4 — LEVEL_CRITICAL, красный (в робота пришли "кривые" JSON данные или операция недоступна или закончился ключ)
5 — LEVEL_ORDER, красный (это ошибка выставления заявки с выключением торговли, ходит в телеграм)
7 — LEVEL_NOTIFICATION, салатовый (уведомления из алгоритма, ходит в телеграм)
10 — LEVEL_SHOW_OK, зеленый (всегда всплывает сообщение)
11 — LEVEL_SHOW_ERR, красный (всегда всплывает сообщение)
12 — LEVEL_SHOW_WARN, желтый (всегда всплывает сообщение)
err_code number Integer value, enum:
1 — Already authorized,
2 — Authorization error or email not verified,
3 — Not authorized,
4 — Wrong message parameters,
5 — There is no "{role}" in user roles,
6 — Unexpected message type or bad message format,
7 — Duplicate subscription eid,
8 — User not found,
9 — Robot "{r_id}" was not found,
10 — Portfolio "{p_id}" was not found in robot "{r_id}",
11 — Can not connect to robot "{r_id}",
12 — Can not add portfolio, "{p_id}" already exists in robot "{r_id}",
13 — Can not perform operation on disabled portfolio "{p_id}”,
14 — Quantity should be positive,
15 — Wrong command,
16 — Not provided,
17 — Service is overloaded,
18 — Internal error,
19 — Can not restart robot while it is disconnected or if it is trading
20 — Robot "{r_id}" is not exist,
21 — Wrong connection parameters,
22 — Robot "{r_id}" already exists,
23 — Robot "{r_id}" is locked, try again later,
24 — Company "{c_id}" was not found,
25 — Can not delete non empty company "{c_id}”,
26 — Can not perform operation on connected robot "{r_id}”,
555 — Permission denied,
666 — Operation timeout,
777 — Other error from robot